Statistics Explained


This is the stable Version.
    #Page TitleNumber of visits
    1Quality of life indicators - overall experience of life41806
    2Inflation in the euro area25511
    3Excess mortality statistics20478
    4Electricity price statistics19526
    5GDP per capita, consumption per capita and price level indices9640
    6Minimum wage statistics8537
    7Beginners:Statistical concept - Percentage change and percentage points/fr8161
    8Migration and migrant population statistics7913
    9Overweight and obesity - BMI statistics7270
    10Unemployment statistics7062
    11Natural gas price statistics6815
    12Gender pay gap statistics6221
    13Renewable energy statistics6046
    14Energy statistics - an overview5914
    15Crime statistics5845
    16Fertility statistics4805
    17Marriage and divorce statistics3949
    18Population structure and ageing3726
    19Government finance statistics3690
    20Comparative price levels of consumer goods and services3619
    21Wages and labour costs3551
    22National accounts and GDP3302
    23Housing price statistics - house price index3279
    24Mortality and life expectancy statistics3242
    25Industrial producer price index overview3106
    26Asylum applications - annual statistics3087
    27Quarterly national accounts - GDP and employment3007
    28Labour cost index - recent trends2935
    29Waste statistics2883
    30Accidents at work statistics2861
    31Healthcare expenditure statistics2849
    32Living conditions in Europe - poverty and social exclusion2838
    33Beginners:Statistical concept - Percentage change and percentage points/pt2801
    34Passenger cars in the EU2714
    35Living conditions in Europe - income distribution and income inequality2638
    36Ageing Europe - statistics on population developments2575
    37Tobacco consumption statistics2562
    38Employment - annual statistics2546
    39Tax revenue statistics2546
    40Industrial production statistics2500
    41Packaging waste statistics2489
    42International trade in goods2404
    43Energy consumption in households2324
    44Tourism statistics2318
    45China-EU - international trade in goods statistics2307
    46Tertiary education statistics2236
    47Quality of life indicators - measuring quality of life2216
    48Hourly labour costs2203
    49Educational attainment statistics2174
    50Alcohol consumption statistics2147
    51Beginners:GDP - What is gross domestic product (GDP)?1969
    52Farms and farmland in the European Union - statistics1966
    53Comparative price levels for food, beverages and tobacco1955
    54Statistics on young people neither in employment nor in education or training1895
    55Municipal waste statistics1872
    56Road safety statistics in the EU1834
    57Consumer prices - inflation1813
    58Air transport statistics1804
    59Economy at regional level1757
    60Agricultural production - crops1757
    61Food waste and food waste prevention - estimates1713
    62Hours of work - annual statistics1672
    63Population and population change statistics1669
    64R&D expenditure1604
    65Cardiovascular diseases statistics1602
    66Oil and petroleum products - a statistical overview1569
    67Beginners:Statistical concept - Percentage change and percentage points/el1568
    68Electricity production, consumption and market overview1566
    69Digital economy and society statistics - households and individuals1551
    70Electricity and heat statistics1489
    71E-commerce statistics for individuals1469
    72Job vacancy statistics1461
    73Tourism statistics - nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments1457
    74Early leavers from education and training1453
    75Tourism statistics - top destinations1445
    76Beginners:Statistical concept - Mean and median/el1443
    77Industrial production (volume) index overview1419
    78Sport participation - practicing sport and physical activity1415
    79Household composition statistics1407
    80Tutorial:Country codes and protocol order1391
    81Gender statistics1374
    82Trafficking in human beings statistics1350
    83Causes of death statistics1346
    84Beginners:Statistical concept - Mean and median/de1340
    85Forests, forestry and logging1330
    86Natural gas supply statistics1327
    87Water statistics1325
    88Online publications1298
    89Quarterly greenhouse gas emissions in the EU1280
    90Waste statistics - electrical and electronic equipment1234
    91Agricultural land prices and rents - statistics1216
    92Temporary protection for persons fleeing Ukraine - monthly statistics1212
    93Healthy life years statistics1211
    94Freight transport statistics - modal split1200
    95Business demography statistics1196
    96Household consumption by purpose1195
    97Road freight transport statistics1159
    98Government expenditure by function – COFOG1135
    99Foreign language skills statistics1131
    100SDG 5 - Gender equality1129