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Global Food and Nutrition Security

Global Food and Nutrition Security

Policy options for the agricultural sector in Senegal

A recently published JRC report provides a quantitative assessment of policy options for the agricultural sector in the second phase of the Emerging Senegal Plan (ESP) and corresponding Priority Action Plan (PAP), which covers the period 2019-2023.

UKRI GCRF Action against Stunting Hub launches

London International Development Centre and London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medecine launch international research hub to tackle child stunting The ‘UKRI GCRF Action against Stunting Hub’ is an interdisciplinary team comprising researchers from 18 institutions. Running for a five-year period from March 2019 – March 2024, the Hub aims to transform current research on child undernutrition or stunting. The team proposes to change the focus of investigation of child undernutrition from individual components of the problem to the ‘whole child’. Through this, we aim to understandthe biological, social, environmental and behavioural context in which stunting occurs.

High-Level Forum Africa-Europe: “Taking cooperation to the digital age”

The High‑Level Forum’s leitmotif “Taking cooperation to the digital age” promotes innovation and digitalisation as important enablers for our future development, so that everyone can benefit from the ongoing digital transformation. A lot of innovation is happening both in Africa and in Europe, with many creative start‑ups providing solutions for different emerging challenges, and this Forum is an opportunity to showcase them and to learn from each other.

Knowledge Centre for Global Food and Nutrition Security - Launch Event

In line with the EU global commitment to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and the 2016 Commission Communication on Data, Information and Knowledge Management, the European Commission is launching the Knowledge Centre for Global Food and Nutrition Security (KC-FNS).

Accelerating The End of Hunger and Malnutrition

The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have organized a global event to accelerate progress to end hunger and malnutrition. This event is aligned with the imperatives of the Compact2025 initiative and the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition to make accelerated progress on hunger and undernutrition by 2025 to pave the way for achieving all the SDGs. Compact2025 was launched to support the achievement of SDG2 and the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition. The global event will be held November 28–30, 2018, taking place in Bangkok, Thailand and will bring together decision makers, practictioners, researchers, and other stakeholders from around the world.

5th AU-EU Summit

The Summits of European Union and African Union Heads of States and Governments take place traditionally every three years and alternate between Africa and Europe. These Summits take stock of the progress being made in implementing commitments and provide political guidance for further work.