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Global Food and Nutrition Security

Global Food and Nutrition Security

Aquaculture at the crossroads of global warming and antimicrobial resistance

Antimicrobial resistance is responsible for some 700 000 deaths each year worldwide. In relation to this phenomenon, a team of researchers from IRD and CIRAD have raised the alarm regarding the development of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in aquaculture, which is affecting fish production and human health worldwide. Their study, published in Nature Communications on 20th April 2020, established for the first time a link between global warming and an increased risk of antimicrobial resistance, and warned against inappropriate use of antibiotics.

Tackling the Coronavirus (COVID-19): West African perspectives

The Sahel and West Africa Club Secretariat is monitoring the coronavirus (Covid-19) situation closely. The pandemic is unfolding as the region faces a food crisis of exceptional magnitude and high levels of insecurity. This webpage features updated data, analyses and articles on the situation.

Covid-19 and food security | India and its jobs crisis

India is the country with the highest economic growth rate, albeit at a cost of growing unemployment, underemployment and job insecurity. With the arrival of the SARS-Cov2 coronavirus, the country faces not just a health crisis but also a social one, highlighted by the insecurity of casual jobs in cities. Bruno Dorin, an economist with CIRAD, analyses the situation in New Delhi. This article is the first of a series on the impact of Covid-19 on food security in tropical countries.

West Africa is threatened by a desert locust invasion

East Africa is continuing to be invaded by desert locusts. A group of researchers from CIRAD recently conducted several simulations to assess the risk of locusts spreading to Chad. In four out of five cases, swarms were predicted to arrive in Chad by mid-June 2020, the summer reproduction period. Chad is the historic gateway for invasions of West Africa from East africa and the Middle East.

AUDA-NEPAD and COVID-19 Response to Food Insecurity and Malnutrition

While mitigating against the present global health crisis and the associated socio-economic impacts in Africa, the AUDA-NEPAD is re-programming and refocusing on practical interventions to support the AU Member States in strengthening and sustaining their agriculture, nutrition and food systems.

The Philippines: Transferring the Cost of Severe Natural Disasters to Capital Markets

In 2014, one year after the typhoon plowed across his home, Tacloban City in the Philippines, Martin Delingon was still partially living on the streets. His house, crushed by the ship that was swept ashore by the storm surge, was one of the many causalities of Typhoon Haiyan (also known as Super Typhoon Yolanda). One of the most powerful tropical cyclones in the world, it resulted in the loss of 6,300 lives and caused an estimated $12.9 billion in damages and losses, roughly equivalent to 4.7 percent of the country's GDP in 2013. In a country where 16.6 percent of the population is still living below the national poverty line, and one that is among the most disaster-prone countries in the world, economic recovery from natural disasters is a fundamental part of fiscal planning.

EU funding supports WFP's lifesaving operation in Niger

NIAMEY – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has welcomed a €3.2 million (US$3.5m) contribution from the European Union, which will help provide lifesaving assistance to the most vulnerable people affected by hunger and violence in Niger.