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Humanitarian aid

EU funding supports WFP's lifesaving operation in Niger

NIAMEY – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has welcomed a €3.2 million (US$3.5m) contribution from the European Union, which will help provide lifesaving assistance to the most vulnerable people affected by hunger and violence in Niger.

EU paves the way for a stronger, more ambitious partnership with Africa

The European Commission and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy today proposed the basis for a new strategy with Africa. The communication sets out proposals to intensify cooperation through partnerships in five key areas: green transition; digital transformation; sustainable growth and jobs; peace and governance; and migration and mobility. Based on this document, Europe will engage discussions with African partners towards a new joint strategy to be endorsed at the European Union – African Union Summit in October 2020.

EU steps up support for victims of conflict in Nigeria

As millions of people continue to be affected by the conflict in Nigeria’s Lake Chad region, European Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič has announced a first emergency aid package of €26.5 million for 2020 whilst visiting north-east Nigeria.

EU humanitarian budget for 2020 to help people in over 80 countries

Today the Commission adopted its initial annual humanitarian budget for 2020 worth €900 million. The EU is the leading global humanitarian aid donor and helps people in more than 80 countries. From protracted conflicts in Africa and the Middle East, to severe food crises, humanitarian crises are intensifying and putting aid delivery to those most in need at risk.

Drought in southern Africa: EU releases over €22 million in humanitarian aid

The European Commission is mobilising a humanitarian aid package of €22.8 million to help address emergency food needs and support vulnerable people in Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The funding comes as large parts of southern Africa are currently in the grip of their harshest drought in decades.

Rwanda: the EU provides €10.3 million for life-saving refugee support measures

During his visit to Rwanda, Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development Neven Mimica has announced a €10.3 million support package to the UNHCR's Emergency Transit Mechanism (ETM) in Rwanda, which provides a life-saving avenue out of Libya for people in need of international protection, with a view to their further resettlement.

EU Aid Explorer: the tool that answers your development aid questions

The EU and its Member States are the world’s biggest aid donor but which countries receive aid? From whom? And for what? The EU Aid Explorer has the answers! Launched earlier this year, it was presented on 11/09/2019 to members of the International Aid Transparency Initiative as they gather in Brussels.