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Workshop at the ERWC 2020 on localising the SDGs

How European cities can implement the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs? What are the challenges in the effective implementation and monitoring of the SDGs? During the workshop, experts, representatives of local governments, and researchers will discuss different European experiences and tools for the localisation of the SDGs, such as the European Handbook for SDG Voluntary Local Review, published by the Joint Research Centre with the support of DG REGIO, and the H2020 +CityxChange project.

Online training at the HLPF 2020 - Tools for SDG Localization

The JRC's KC for Territorial Policies have been invited to organise a online training event on the European Handbook for SDG Voluntary Local Reviews, in the framework of the SDGs Learning, Training & Practice program, co-organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development Goals (DESA/DSDG) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) during the 2020 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development under the auspices of ECOSOC.

Seminar on EU supported Integrated Urban Development Strategies

As a part of the seminar series "Leaps into Urban Regeneration", Carlotta Fioretti (JRC, unit B3) will present how the EU integrated approach to sustainable urban development has been put in practice for the programming period 2014-2020, also offering perspectives for post2020. This analysis is largely based on the KC TP online webtool STRAT-board, that offers a visual representation of almost 1000 sustainable urban development strategies currently implemented across Europe.

The seminar will take place December 6 at 16:00 CET at the Politecnico di Torino in Italy.

World Cities Day 2018 - Kick-off of the Report on the Future of Cities

On the World Cities Day, the JRC’s Community of Practice on Cities (CoP-CITIES) discusses with selected partners its main research and policy-support activities on cities and in particular the ongoing preparation of the Report on the Future of Cities. Building upon the knowledge produced by CoP-CITIES and with the support of other Directorates General of the European Commission and external partners, the Report on the Future of Cities discusses a series of contemporary urban challenges and emerging phenomena. Building on scientific evidences, the report proposes a description and initial interpretation of emerging urban phenomena, highlighting the possibilities that innovative research methodologies and a multi-disciplinary approach can offer to the study of future cities and to the design of sustainable integrated policies supporting urban transformation.

Join the Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies during the European Week of Regions and Cities!

Join the Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies (KCTP) at the European Week of Regions and Cities 2018, the key annual event on EU Regional Policy.

This year, the KCTP (co-)organises 5 different sessions, and it will have a permanent exhibition stand to visit throughout the event. The KCTP will also provide several presentations in the EWRC urban corner. Please go to the general website of the EWRC to register for our sessions:

* Tue 9 Oct 09.30 - 11.00 hrs: The Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies

* Tue 9 Oct 16.30 - 18.00 hrs: Territorial Trends and Challenges in Regional Policy

* Wed 10 Oct 16.30 - 18.00 hrs: The Urban dimension of Global Agendas in the EU

* Thu 11 Oct 09.30 - 11.00 hrs: Put it on the map! Monitoring tools for EU supported integrated urban and territorial strategies

* Thu 11 Oct 16.30 - 18.00 hrs: Joining forces! Science-policy integration for urban development in post 2020

Launch of the Community of Practice on Cities in Brussels

On October 5 the Community of Practice on Cities will be officially launched in Brussels!

Acknowledging the increasing centrality of the urban dimension, the Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies now fosters a Community of Practice on Cities (CoP-CITIES) that will address specific challenges and features of cities and urban systems, while promoting the adoption of a territorial point of view.

The mission of the COP-CITIES is to tap the potential of an extended pool of expertise to improve information sharing and enhance collaboration among stakeholders, including EU citizens.

At the kick-off event the CoP-CITIES will be officially launched, other EC services will be invited to join, and its next steps and future developments will be discussed.

Discover the activities of the Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies in a dedicated session next 26th September in Seville

The KC TP organises a dedicated session preceding the 2018 SMARTER Conference on the morning of the 26th of September in Seville, Spain. The KC TP is set up to strengthen the Commission’s overall support to territorial development and aims to be the point of reference for Commission services and Member States on territorial and regional related issues. In this capacity, it not only provides a repository of relevant research and new initiatives, but it also serves as a place for analytical and networking activities. The main objective of this associated event is to get participants (better) acquainted with the KC TP. The dedicated session should provide participants with a fundamental understanding of what the KC TP is and what it does. Next to a general understanding, the specific services that are now part of the KC TP will be elaborated upon so that afterwards participants will be able to use or refer to them in (at least)a rudimentary way.