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Workshop at the ERWC 2020 on localising the SDGs

How European cities can implement the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs? What are the challenges in the effective implementation and monitoring of the SDGs? During the workshop, experts, representatives of local governments, and researchers will discuss different European experiences and tools for the localisation of the SDGs, such as the European Handbook for SDG Voluntary Local Review, published by the Joint Research Centre with the support of DG REGIO, and the H2020 +CityxChange project.

date:  13/10/2020 - 13/10/2020

venue:  online

Organiser:  the Joint Research Centre, DG REGIO and the City of Limerick


ContactAlice Siragusa

The workshop focuses on two main elements: tools for the monitoring and experiencing in City Vision development.

The first tool presented will be the European Handbook for SDG Voluntary Local Review (VLRs), published by the Joint Research Centre, with the support of DG REGIO. The Handbook provides support to European cities willing to prepare their VLRs. It is designed to be a guide for the selection of appropriate indicators to use in the assessment and to tailor the review to local situations and challenges.

The Basque County will report on its pioneering efforts in measuring the achievements of the SDGs.

During the workshop the experience of the H2020 +CityxChange project will be discussed. This is delivering 7 Bold City Visions in Trondheim, Limerick, Smoylan, Alba Iulia, Pisek, Võru, and Sestao. The UN SDG's provide the basis for developing these Visions. We will investigate the strategies which these partners are using to align the SDGs with their development plans such as: co-creation of the vision; roadmap development; and enabling community leaders to emerge.

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