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Renewable energy

The contribution of renewable fuels to road transport decarbonisation - webinar

A team of experts has assessed the transport sector and its projected development up to 2030 and 2050 for a number of countries. The objective of the assessment was to quantify the role that renewable transport fuels play in decarbonising the road transport sector, and to provide insights to policy makers on how individual countries differ from one another, which options for decarbonisation they have, and best practice examples for successful policies. This webinar will present the main conclusions and recommendations of this work.

Renewable Carbon initiative

The aim of the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) is to support and speed up the transition from fossil carbon to renewable carbon for all organic chemicals and materials.

State of the Union: New EU-wide net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets

The Commission has presented its 2030 Climate Target Plan, consisting of: a Communication on Stepping up Europe's 2030 Climate Ambition; an accompanying Impact Assessment; an EU-wide Assessment of National Energy and Climate Plans; and an amended proposal on the draft European Climate Law to incorporate the new 2030 emissions reduction target.

Why shrimps are being turned into batteries to store renewable energy

A recent project led by Spanish researchers, along with help from scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has come up with an innovative new material with which to make batteries used for storing renewable energy. By extracting ‘chitin’ from the shell of a shrimp, scientists can produce electrodes to form vanadium flow batteries.

Outcomes from the online event "A circular bioeconomy: Providing solutions to the EU Green Recovery Plan"

The bioeconomy has a pivotal role to play in the transition to a more circular, sustainable and resource-efficient society. In order to achieve food security, meet climate and renewable energy targets and accelerate progress towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as important elements of the EU Green deal, the bioeconomy sectors need to continue to invest and innovate from knowledge exchange and training to renewable and biobased solutions that will replace fossil-based ones.

Preparing a future EU strategy on energy sector integration

As announced in the Commission Work Programme for 2020, the Commission will present a strategy for smart sector integration for a future integrated European energy system by June 2020. In preparation of this strategy, the Commission is seeking input from all stakeholders and EU citizens.

IRENA Annual Review 2019 on Renewable Energy and Jobs

The widespread adoption of renewable energy technologies creates employment opportunities up and down the supply chain. Worldwide, the sector employed 11 million people at the end of 2018, according to this sixth edition of the Renewable Energy and Jobs series.

New dataset on Bioenergy potentials at NUTS2 level

This collection contains datasets from ENSPRESO (ENergy Systems Potential Renewable Energy SOurces), an EU-28 wide, open dataset for energy models on renewable energy potentials, at national (NUTS0) and regional levels (NUTS2) for the 2010-2050 period.