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China-Europe Forest Bioeconomy webinar

This ThinkForest event aims to understand and discuss potential challenges, possibilities and policy implications on the European-China forest-based bioeconomy development.

Bavarian Bioeconomy Strategy adopted

Shaping the transformation in a sustainable and innovative way - this was the model under which the Minister for Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger presented the Bavarian Bioeconomy Strategy. With the strategy, the Bavarian State Government is presenting a concept for promoting a bio-based, sustainable economy.

Main results of the video conference of agriculture and fisheries ministers

Sustainable food systems, the situation in the European agricultural market as well as specific challenges related to COVID-19 and African swine fever were the main items discussed during the informal videoconference meeting of the agricultural and fisheries ministers. Ministers also touched upon the EU forest related policies and the EU forest strategy.

First Eastern Africa Bioeconomy Conference - virtual

For Eastern Africa, an innovation-driven bioeconomy is seen as a viable pathway towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals 2030, and a significant contributor towards the African Union’s Agenda 2063 of a knowledge-based, innovation-led African economy.

The World Bioeconomy Forum - Declaration 2020

The WCBEF is a think-tank initiative which provides a platform for key stakeholders of the Circular Bioeconomy to share ideas and promote bio-based responsible innovations to replace and supersede non-renewable based industries, products and services to achieve a more sustainable economy while mitigating climate change.

Costa Rica launches its first National Bioeconomy Strategy (in Spanish)

Productive systems face a fourfold challenge in the face of a global economic downturn exacerbated by COVID 19: produce more efficiently or reinvent themselves, maintain value chains that support jobs and livelihoods, while ensuring the sustainable use and rehabilitation of nature facing climate change.

Published the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Italian Bioeconomy Strategy BIT II

The National Bioeconomy Coordination Group (NBCG) of the Presidency of Council of Ministers has published the Implementation Action Plan (2020-2025) for the Italian Bioeconomy Strategy BIT II. It includes, among others, a series of relevant targeted actions which have been clustered into four main topics: policy/standards, pilot actions, regeneration of ecosystem services and stakeholders engagement, and showcases concrete projects and examples of Bioeconomy investments which can act as catalyst of socio-economic growth.