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Labour market consequences of COVID-19 for migrant workers

A new JRC Technical Report looks at the labour market participation trends for natives, EU-born migrants and non-EU born migrants during the COVID-19 pandemic. The report confirms that the pandemic had an unequal impact on the employment rates among native and migrant workers.

Bridging Knowledge Gaps: How to Take the Research-Policy Dialogue on Migration Forward - Brussels, Belgium

Questions for discussion include:  What unresolved questions do policymakers face in their everyday work?  What key evidence-based insights can existing research provide in response to these questions?  At what point and how could existing research findings best feed into policymaking at EU and national level?  What critical knowledge gaps remain from a policy as well as an academic perspective? When and how could a closer collaboration between policymakers and researchers be helpful to fill these gaps?

Big Data for Migration Alliance - BD4M

The European Commission’s Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography (KCMD) and the IOM's Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC) launch the Big Data for Migration Alliance (BD4M). Its purpose is to advance discussions on how to harness the potential of big data sources for the analysis of migration and its relevance for policymaking, while ensuring the ethical use of data and the protection of individuals’ privacy.