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How natural cycles can be closed with wood ash

Recycled material instead of waste: wood ash is good for soil and plants - if the quality is right. The German Federal Quality Association for Food Ash ensures reliable wood ash standards with its certifications. The RAL-Dünger label for fertilisers provides the necessary certification for natural wood ashes to be used in the circular economy.

Mass Balance accounting is here. The next step is a new standard

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), has started work to establish a globally recognized mass balance standard for the industry. The new standard will help to drive real change, supporting the development of recycled and renewable raw materials, and the production processes needed.

3rd meeting of ENRD Thematic group on Bioeconomy and climate action in rural areas - Brussels, Belgium

The meeting will discuss how rural climate efforts can be proved and demonstrated, in order to be recognised by markets, authorities and the wider society. Building on examples from different parts of rural Europe, the meeting will discuss possible ways of demonstrating rural activities’ contribution to climate action and environmental sustainability. These may include participatory certification schemes, shared sustainability criteria, or territorial climate labels, among other things. The meeting is addressed at National Rural Networks, RDP Managing Authorities, Local Action Groups and any stakeholders involved in bioeconomy value chains or rural bioeconomy initiatives.

New BBI JU Synergy Label recognises the value of high-quality proposals

BBI JU launched the BBI JU Synergy Label, a new pilot initiative aiming to recognise the value and excellence of Demonstration Action and Flagship proposals submitted to the BBI JU Call for proposals that scored above the quality threshold but did not receive funding due to budget limits.