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Launch of the Community of Practice on Cities in Brussels

On October 5 the Community of Practice on Cities will be officially launched in Brussels!

Acknowledging the increasing centrality of the urban dimension, the Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies now fosters a Community of Practice on Cities (CoP-CITIES) that will address specific challenges and features of cities and urban systems, while promoting the adoption of a territorial point of view.

The mission of the COP-CITIES is to tap the potential of an extended pool of expertise to improve information sharing and enhance collaboration among stakeholders, including EU citizens.

At the kick-off event the CoP-CITIES will be officially launched, other EC services will be invited to join, and its next steps and future developments will be discussed.

date:  05/10/2018

venue:  Berlaymont

Organiser:  JRC European Commission


Kick off event CoP-CITIES Conc...
(286 KB - PDF)

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