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Global Food and Nutrition Security

Global Food and Nutrition Security

IPC ALERT: Floods exacerbate severe food insecurity in South Sudan

In the analysis period of January 2020, 5.29 million people, or 45.2% South Sudan's population, are estimated to have faced Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse acute food insecurity, of which 1.11 million people faced Emergency (IPC Phase 4) acute food insecurity. About 40,000 people were classified in Catastrophe (IPC Phase 5) in the counties of Akobo, Duk and Ayod in Jonglei State. Compared with the same time last year, the January 2020 levels of food insecurity reflect a 9% reduction in the proportion of population facing Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse acute food insecurity. Latest finding also indicate that about 1.3 million children under five years as well as 352,000 pregnant or lactating women are expected to suffer from acute malnutrition in 2020. The high morbidity rate is attributed to flooding that has worsened the spread of malaria and unsafe drinking water.

Agriculture et Recherche: L'UE appuie le 'Food and Agricultural Research Extension Institute - FAREI' pour promouvoir une agriculture moderne et adaptée aux aléas climatiques

Le Ministre de l'Agro-Industrie et de la Sécurité alimentaire et l'Ambassadeur de l'Union européenne ont signé un nouveau contrat de subvention d'un montant de 100 million de roupies pour la l’agriculture et le changement climatique. Cet appui de l'Union européenne servira à renforcer les capacités du FAREI en matière de recherche pour identifier des produits agricoles mieux adaptés au changement et réduire l'utilisation des pesticides par les agriculteurs.

IPC ALERT: Desert Locusts Likely to Deepen Food Crisis in East and Horn of Africa

The East and Horn of Africa region is currently facing one of the worst infestations of desert locusts - whose destructive impact is likely to cause large-scale crop damage and worsen food insecurity in countries already affected by recurrent drought, conflict and high food prices. Based on the current and projected analyses by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), more than 10 million people in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Sudan, who are already facing severe food insecurity in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse, are located in areas currently affected by the desert locust infestations. A further 3.24 million severely food insecure people in Uganda and South Sudan, are also under threat, bringing the total number of the population at risk to over 13 million.

EU steps up support for victims of conflict in Nigeria

As millions of people continue to be affected by the conflict in Nigeria’s Lake Chad region, European Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič has announced a first emergency aid package of €26.5 million for 2020 whilst visiting north-east Nigeria.

Agroecology Days in Senegal

Dynamic of Work for a Transition Senegal (DYAETS), with the support of Enda Pronat, MISEREOR, Ndiob City Hall and GRET, organizes the 3rd edition of Agroecology Days, on January 30th and 31st, 2020, at Dakar.

EU humanitarian budget for 2020 to help people in over 80 countries

Today the Commission adopted its initial annual humanitarian budget for 2020 worth €900 million. The EU is the leading global humanitarian aid donor and helps people in more than 80 countries. From protracted conflicts in Africa and the Middle East, to severe food crises, humanitarian crises are intensifying and putting aid delivery to those most in need at risk.

Drought in southern Africa: EU releases over €22 million in humanitarian aid

The European Commission is mobilising a humanitarian aid package of €22.8 million to help address emergency food needs and support vulnerable people in Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The funding comes as large parts of southern Africa are currently in the grip of their harshest drought in decades.

World Food Programme forecasts global hunger hotspots as a new decade dawns

Rome – Escalating hunger needs in sub-Saharan Africa dominate a World Food Programme (WFP) analysis of global hunger hotspots in the first half of 2020 with millions of people requiring life-saving food assistance in Zimbabwe, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central Sahel region in the coming months. The sheer scale and complexity of the challenges in Africa and other regions will stretch the resources and capacity of WFP and other agencies to the limit. Ramping up the humanitarian response will again require the generous support of donor governments to fund the assistance required to save lives and support development.