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Global Food and Nutrition Security

Global Food and Nutrition Security

Senegal: Advancing data planning and gender-sensitive data

PARIS21, in collaboration with Senegal’s Agence Nationale de Statistique et de la Démographie (ANSD), recently organised a joint workshop on PARIS21’s Advanced Data Planning Tool (ADAPT) and gender statistics project in Dakar, Senegal.

EU allocates €465,000 to strengthen Ebola preparedness in Burundi

The Ebola virus disease outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo continues to spread in the east of the country with a high risk of a spill-over into the neighbouring countries. The European Union is stepping up its assistance to Burundi with €465,000 to further strengthen Ebola preparedness measures by authorities and aid organisations in the country.

European Union invests €59 million to improve rural livelihoods in Tajikistan

Today, the European Commission has announced a €59 million support programme to boost rural development in Tajikistan. Agriculture contributes to about one quarter of the country’s GDP and close to three quarters of the population live in rural areas. Yet the rural economy suffers from structural challenges, notably in the areas of natural resource management and business activity.

EU announces €18.5 million humanitarian aid package for Latin America and the Caribbean

The European Union announced new humanitarian funding of €18.5 million for the Latin American and Caribbean region, an area where numerous natural disasters threaten already vulnerable communities. The amount announced today includes €15 million to support preparedness of local communities and institutions for natural disasters throughout the region: Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Haiti. A further €2.5 million will support projects addressing violence, and €1 million for food assistance in Central America.

€10.5 million for emergency aid and disaster preparedness in South and South East Asia

To help communities in South and South East Asia hit by natural disasters and humanitarian crises, the Commission has mobilised a new humanitarian funding package worth €10.5 million. This includes €1.5 million in emergency aid for the victims of ongoing monsoons in India and Bangladesh. The remaining funds will be provided in Nepal and the Philippines as well as for disaster risk reduction initiatives in the region.

EU provides €7 million for disaster preparedness in Southern Africa and Indian Ocean region

As natural disasters threaten the most vulnerable people in the Southern Africa and Indian Ocean region, the EU is providing €7 million in humanitarian aid to increase the capacity of communities and authorities to prepare for and respond to disasters. This aid is in addition to the approximately €17 million in EU humanitarian assistance given this year to help people hit by cyclones Idai and Kenneth in Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Comoros, and people affected by food shortages in Zimbabwe.

Conservation agriculture technologies: A framed field experiment in Ghana

Under the GASIP project funded by IFAD, a framed field experiment has been conducted in northern Ghana in a close collaboration with MOFA. The idea is to see if giving farmers some incentives (e.g. implements, inputs, or potentially cash) would catalyze higher rates of adoption of conservation agriculture or climate smart agriculture techniques.

Sociobiodiversity Products Value Chains

Brazilian indigenous people and traditional communities have special hereditary agricultural systems, which harmonically include forestry, rivers and agriculture with a broad knowledge of different ecosystems. The project in partnership with the European Union shows that the structuring of sociobiodiversity value chains is a central element to promote the communities' way of life, their territories and knowledge with the challenge do add “socioenvironmental services” value to promote sustainability.

African Union - European Union Agriculture Ministerial Conference

The conference will take place in the FAO premises in Rome and it will be co-hosted by the Africa Union Commission and the European Commission. AU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Economy, Ms Josefa Sacko and the EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr Phil Hogan are all expected to attend.