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Conservation agriculture technologies: A framed field experiment in Ghana

Under the GASIP project funded by IFAD, a framed field experiment has been conducted in northern Ghana in a close collaboration with MOFA. The idea is to see if giving farmers some incentives (e.g. implements, inputs, or potentially cash) would catalyze higher rates of adoption of conservation agriculture or climate smart agriculture techniques.

date:  15/07/2019 - 15/07/2019

venue:  Rue de la Loi 43-45, Ground floor, Brussels

RegistrationRegistration link


Leonard Mizzi

Head of Unit

DEVCO C1 - Rural Development, Food Security, Nutrition



Alan de Brauw

Senior Research Fellow - Markets, Trade, and Institutions Division, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)


Conference language: English

Language Q&A session: English