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3rd Africa-EU Summit: team up for more “Investment, Economic Growth and Job Creation”


On 29-30 November, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy, Commission President José Manuel Barroso, and Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs, will attend the Africa-EU Summit in Tripoli (Libya). 80 European and African Heads of State and Government will convene under the overarching theme “Investment, Economic Growth and Job Creation” to take cooperation between the two continents to a new, more ambitious level.


38% of Europeans see tackling poverty as a main challenge for EU-Africa relations


A special Eurobarometer on EU-Africa relations published ahead of the EU-Africa Summit in Libya on 29/30 November shows that European citizens broadly agree with the focus of cooperation between the two partners. For Europeans, the main challenges for cooperation are to tackle poverty (38%), peace and security (34%), and human rights (33%). This focus is consistent with the primary EU development policy goal of eradicating poverty, as laid out in the Lisbon Treaty and reflected in the Commission's recent Green Paper on “EU Development Policy in Support of Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development”.


Music against Poverty contest: announcement of the winners


More than 200 submissions have been received from all EU member states for the 2nd edition of the Music against Poverty contest. The winners have been announced earlier this week and will get a professional studio recording of their song and the opportunity to perform during the European Development Days in Brussels.


Commissioner Piebalgs at the 15th Africa-EU Ministerial Political Dialogue meeting in Lilongwe, Malawi


Today, EU Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs is leading the EU Delegation at the 15th Africa-EU Ministerial Political Dialogue meeting in Lilongwe, Malawi.


Commissioner Piebalgs first visit to Central Asia to ensure EU's development support to Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan


From 15 to 17 November, the European Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, will travel to Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan to discuss the cooperation and assistance that the European Union provides for the two countries. During his visit to Uzbekistan, he will discuss the EU’s support for the country's modernisation reforms, and he will meet key members of government in both countries. Commissioner will also sign a €2 million financing agreement to support Kyrgyzstan in ensuring Food security. He will also visit EU funded projects in the two countries to assess the impact of EU aid in the region.


Commissioner Piebalgs visits Lithuania to promote EU development policy


Today, Commissioner Piebalgs visits Lithuania. He will meet President Dalia GRYBAUSKAITĖ, Prime Minister Andrius KUBILIUS and Minister of Foreign Affairs Audronius AŽUBALIS. Commissioner will also hold a discussion with members of Parliament and representatives of civil society. He will also participate in a conference  "Road to Successful Transition in Afghanistan, Province by Province".


European Commission opens debate to change gears in the fight against poverty


Today, the European Commission launches a public consultation on the future of EU Development policy. Faced with the triple challenge of economic, food and environmental crises, but also the generally encouraging economic performance of Developing countries, the Commission wishes to collect views on how the EU can best support developing countries to speed up their progress towards the Millennium Development Goals and beyond. Building on previous achievements, the Commission proposes four main areas for debate, focusing on the impact of EU aid, the facilitation of more inclusive growth, the promotion of sustainable development, and durable results in agriculture and food security. Following the public consultation open to EU and partner countries, the Commission will table a Communication on a Modernised EU Development policy in 2011.


Commissioner Piebalgs in Estonia to promote EU development policy


Today, Commissioner Piebalgs visits Estonia. He will meet with Prime Minister, Andrus Ansip, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Urmas Paet and President of the Parliament, Ene Ergma. Commissioner Piebalgs will also participate in a panel discussion in Tallinn University about "The Future of the Development Co-operation in Europe" and speak at the conference "Women, Peace and Security – the Afghanistan View".


Africa-Europe: 80 countries, two continents in partnership for a better future


Ahead of the Africa-EU Summit taking place from 29-30 November in Libya, the Commission presents today its proposals for a consolidation of the Africa-EU relations. Building on the existing Joint Africa-EU Strategy launched in 2007, the Commission details common challenges where progress has been made and which still have to be jointly addressed, such as the poverty eradication, peace and security, democracy and human rights, global governance and climate change. While the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) will remain at the heart of the Africa-EU Joint Strategy, the Commission recognizes that there is a need to support Africa in strengthening its political and economic governance to allow better mobilization of the continent's own assets in a sustainable way. In that spirit, the Commission proposes to focus on initiatives that could help to trigger inclusive and sustainable growth in the long-term. These proposals will contribute to shaping the Action Plan on the implementation of the Joint Africa-EU Strategy that will be adopted during the Summit.


Opening of the exhibition of winning drawings in the International Drawing Competition on Gender


Today an exhibition of the winning drawings in the Drawing Competition on Gender Equality is being opened in Brussels. This competition calls on children all over the world to express their vision of gender equality. The purpose is to increase awareness of gender issues among children all over the world. Approximately 50,000 children from 61 countries were involved in this year's competition. 14 final winners have been selected.


Lorenzo Natali Prize for Journalism


The Lorenzo Natali Award Ceremony will take place on 6 December 2010 in Brussels during the European Development Days.


Commissioner Piebalgs in Hungary to promote EU development policy


Today, Commissioner Piebalgs visits Hungary. He will meet János Hóvári, Deputy Secretary of State for Global Affairs and Bálint Ódor, Deputy Secretary of State for EU Affairs.  He will also have a meeting with the Members of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Hungarian Parliament. Afterwards, he will give a speech and officially open the second round of the Kapuscinski Lectures at the Central European University. The lecture is entitled 'Leading by example: A new decade in the fight against global poverty'.


EU welcomes the peaceful conduct of the elections in Tanzania and Zanzibar


On Sunday, 31 October, Tanzania and Zanzibar held the fourth general electoral process since the implementation of the multi-party system in the country. HR/VP Catherine Ashton highlighted in a statement the positive atmosphere and very high voter turnout in Zanzibar, where political parties have aligned around the creation of a Government of National Unity.


EU congratulates Niger on the constitutional referendum


On Sunday, 31 October, a constitutional referendum took place in Niger. The EU, in the statement of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the Commission Catherine Ashton, welcomed high turnout and the peaceful and quiet manner in which the elections was held. This vote is an essential element on the way back to democracy and an important milestone of the ongoing transition process.


EU welcomes the peaceful conduct of the presidential elections in Ivory Coast.


On Sunday, 31 October, the first round of the presidential elections took place in Ivory Coast. The EU, in a statement of HR/VP Catherine Ashton, welcomed the conduct of the elections and congratulated the numerous participation of voters.


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top