This site has been archived on 19/11/14

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Commissioner Piebalgs at the International donors' conference on the future of Haiti


EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Commission Vice-President, Catherine Ashton along with Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs and Commissioner for  International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, Kristalina Georgieva will attend the ministerial-level International Donors’ Conference "Towards a New Future for Haiti" that will take place on March 31 at the UN Headquarters in New York. The Conference will be co-chaired by Brazil, Canada, the European Union, France, and Spain as leading donors to Haiti.


Supporting development of the EU overseas countries and territories


Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs has opened a two-day conference to pave the way for a new partnership between the European Union and the 21 overseas countries and territories (OCTs). Andris Piebalgs stated: «Today, we all agreed on the need of a reinforced partnership between the EU and the OCTs. Their geographical position makes them a unique link between Europe with the rest of the world». The OCTs depend constitutionally on four of the EU Member States: Denmark, France, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.


Revised Cotonou Partnership Agreement


Today, the European Commission and the African Caribbean Pacific group of 78 States have concluded the second revision of the Cotonou Partnership Agreement. As a result of fruitful dialogue since mid-2009, ACP-EU cooperation will be adapted to today's challenges, such as climate change, food security, regional integration, State fragility and aid effectiveness.


Stop illegal weapons in Africa!


The EU has just launched the first Pan African pilot project on the fight against illicit trafficking of firearms in Africa. The main objective of the project is to support the fight against the proliferation of firearms and explosive materials in Africa.


Elections présidentielles au Togo - Déclaration de Catherine Ashton et Andris Piebalgs


Suite aux élections présidentielles au Togo, la Haute Représentante des Affaires extérieures et de la Politique de Sécurité et Vice-présidente de la Commission, Mme Catherine Ashton, et le Commissaire en charge du Développement, M. Andris Piebalgs, ont déclaré:


Launch of International Drawing Competition on Gender Equality


On the occasion of the International Women's Day, I am proud to launch the 2010 edition of the International Drawing Competition on Gender Equality. This competition, organized under my patronage, aims to promote the creativity, enthusiasm and integration of the concept «gender equality» in the mind of children.


New regional roads, ports, airports and power generation schemes for Africa


The regional integration of Africa, for which infrastructures are concrete tools, is being discussed today at the conference 'Join up Africa' in London. Commissioner Andris Piebalgs stated that 'one of the major obstacles to regional integration is the lack of infrastructures. The EU is supporting rapid construction of infrastructures allowing countries to be connected and to make exchanges'. Panels also included following speakers - Pascal Lamy, Director General of the World Trade Organisation, Gareth Thomas, Minister of State of the UK Department for International Development, Erastus Mwencha, Deputy Chair of the African Union Commission, Donald Kaberuka, President of the African Development Bank and others.


Commission deploys first 100 millions euro envelope in Haiti


EU Development Commissioner Andris Piebalgs announced today the release of €100 millions to support recovery activities in Haiti.


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top