This site has been archived on 19/11/14

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All recent photos of Commissioner Piebalgs can be found on the EC Audiovisal Service website.

For more photos, please visit Europe by Satellite. You can download the photos from there free of copy rights.

Visit of Commissioner Piebalgs to Benin (5-6 September 2014)

Visit of Commissioner Andris Piebalgs to Ecuador (23-25/07/2014)

Visit of Commissioner Andris Piebalgs to Peru (21-23/07/2014)

Commissioner Piebalgs signs the first multi-donor trust fund managed by the EU, for the Central African Republic (Florence, 15/07/2014)

Commissioner Piebalgs attends the ACP-EU Joint Council of Ministers in Nairobi (Kenya) (19-20/06/2014)

Visit of Commissioner Piebalgs to Madagascar (11 – 12 /06/2014)

Visit of Commissioner Piebalgs to Mali for the 1st Anniversary of the Brussels Donors' Conference (15-16 May)

Commissioner Piebalgs at the EU side event within the UN Sustainable Energy for All Forum in New York (4-5 June)

Visit of Andris Piebalgs to Papua New Guinea (28 April – 30 April)

Visit of Andris Piebalgs to the Pacific Islands (23 April – 27 April)

Commissioner Piebalgs participates in the High Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation in Mexico (15-16 April 2014)

Visit by Commissioner Piebalgs to the Central African Republic (13-14 March 2014)

Visit of Andris Piebalgs, Member of the EC, to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda (4-6 March 2014)

Visit by Andris Piebalgs to Cap Verde (14 February)

Visit by Andris Piebalgs to Senegal (12-13 February)

Visit by Andris Piebalgs to Mauritania (10-11 February)

Commissioner Piebalgs attends UNICEF Executive Board (New York, 4 February 2014)

Commissioner Piebalgs participates in the African Union Heads of States Summit (Ethiopia, 30-31 January 2014)

Commissioner Piebalgs meets Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda (28 January 2014)

Visit of Victorin Lurel, French Minister for Overseas, to the EC (05/12/2013)

Participation of Andris Piebalgs, Member of the EC, in the 12th annual OCT/EU Forum (05/12/2013)

Commissioner Piebalgs meets Louise Arbour, President and CEO of the International Crisis Group Belgium (04/12/2013)

Commissioner Piebalgs participates in the East and South African and Indian Ocean Programming Seminar (2-5/12/2013)

Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top