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Andris Piebalgs, Commissioner for Development

Born September 17, 1957, Valmiera, Latvia. Latvian citizen. Married, three children.





From July 2012

Member of the UN High Level Panel on the post-Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) agenda beyond 2015

From September 2011

Member of the UN High Level Group on Sustainable Energy for All

From 2011

Member of the Lead Group of the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement

From 2010

European Commissioner for Development

2004 – 2009

European Commissioner for Energy


Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Kalniete

The first Latvian Commissioner Kalniete is working with Commissioner Fischler in the area of agriculture and fisheries.

2003 – 2004

Deputy Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia

Responsible for Latvia’s relations with the European Union.

1998 – 2003

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Latvia to the European Union

1995 – 1997

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Latvia to the Republic of Estonia

1994 – 1995

Minister of Finance of Latvia

1993 – 1994

Member of Parliament of Latvia, Chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee

1990 – 1993

Minister of Education of Latvia

1988 – 1990

Desk officer, Head of Department, Ministry of Education of Latvia

1980 – 1988

Teacher, Headmaster, Secondary School No1, Valmiera


Latvian: mother tongue

English, German, French and Russian: thorough knowledge

Estonian: basic knowledge


Graduate in Physics from the University of Latvia, 17 June 1980


  • Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (2012), Development Co-operation Report 2012: Lessons in Linking Sustainability and Development, Delivering Sustainable Energy for All,  Chapter 5 (pp. 77-88), OECD Publishing
  • Development and Cooperation (2012), Results Matter, not Input, Issue no. 2, 2012, p. 69
  • Entwicklungshilfe und Zusammenarbeit (2012), Output statt Input, Print-Ausgabe Nr. 2 2012, Seite 69
  • The World Bank (2012), Written Statement for 86th Meeting of the World Bank-IMF Development Committee,
  • Geopolitique Africaine no 39 (2011), L'Union Européenne et l'aide au Développement
  • Europe's World (2011), There is enough food to feed everybody, but we need to address global food challenges in new ways
  • European Centre for Development Policy Management (2012), EU support for regional integration and regional economic communities in Africa in light of the upcoming 11th EDF. GREAT Insights, Volume 1, Issue 9. November 2012
  • Europe's New Energy Policy, Andris Piebalgs, Claeys & Casteels 2009
  • Europe's World (2009), Why renewable energy is much more than a flight of fancy?
Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top