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2011 European Development Days announced in Warsaw on 15-16th December


The annual European Development Days (EDDs) – have been launched today by the Polish Presidency, Under-Secretary of State, Krzysztof Stanowski and EU Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs. This year, the EDDs will focus on democracy and development in the wake of the recent Arab Spring events and the proposals of the European Commission for a new EU development policy.


Commission supports the Global Fund on its way to reform and improving efficiency


The Board of the Global Fund to Fight Aids, TB and Malaria has adopted recommendations for major reforms made by an independent panel. The European Commission strongly supported this decision in the Board (of which the Commission is a member).


EU €1 billion Millennium Development Goals initiative to support maternal health, contribute to fight against child mortality and hunger and improve supply of water and sanitation


EU €1 billion Millennium Development Goals initiative to support maternal health, contribute to fight against child mortality and hunger and improve supply of water and sanitation Water and sanitation, maternal health, hunger and child mortality: those Millennium Development Goals that are most off-tracks will be allocated an additional €1 billion by the European Commission, said EU Commissioner Piebalgs today during a round table on Nutrition at the UN General Assembly. The European Commission is finalising the identification of the projects presented by African, Caribbean and Pacific countries themselves.


Putting Sustainable Energy at the top of global development agenda: EU Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, appointed as member of the UN High Level Group on Sustainable Energy for All


Today, EU Commissioner Piebalgs was appointed as a member of the High-level Group on Sustainable Energy for all, together with leaders from business, government, international organisation and civil society. He attended the launch of the UN High Level Group in New York, in presence of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. The High-level Group will work to develop a global agenda to achieve the objective of Sustainable Energy for All by 2030 and to provide clear actions to take at the global and regional level.


EU aid helps create jobs in South Africa: Commissioner Piebalgs visits Afrika Biopharma Manufacturing


Today, EU Commissioner Piebalgs and European Investment Bank (EIB) Director General Tamsyn Barton visited Afrika Biopharma Manufacturing, a black-owned and managed business active in the pharmaceutical industry. The company benefited from a €0.7 million allocation from the EU-funded Risk Capital Facility (RCF) programme to co-finance a €1.5 million loan from a South African financial institution. Thanks to the RCF 9,400 jobs have been created, including 38 jobs in the visited company.


Commissioner Piebalgs in South Africa to launch €126 million new health care programme to fight HIV and tuberculosis


European Development Commissioner Andris Piebalgs will visit South Africa from 13th to 16th of September to discuss EU-South Africa development cooperation and visit a number of key projects to see EU-South Africa cooperation in action on the ground. Whilst there, he will launch, together with the South African Minister of Health, a major EU-financed health care programme to help the South African government to enable more people to access better health services. During his stay he will also attend the 4th annual South Africa-EU Summit.


New figures show EU aid is more transparent and effective, but more ambitious reforms could save up to €4 billion yearly


The European Commission's proposal for the EU common position on the international aid effectiveness agenda show that the European Union (EU) has progressed considerably in the way it manages its aid.

According to the survey and independent evaluation of the Paris Declaration, EU aid is more transparent, predictable and coordinated than ever, and better adapted to developing countries' national priorities.  The Communication, adopted by the Commission in the run up to the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness which will take place in Busan, South Korea, from 29 November to 1 December, shows that the EU's performance in aid effectivess comes out above the global average amongst donors.


Commissioner Piebalgs will visit Lesotho ahead of the elections


European Development Commissioner Andris Piebalgs will arrive for a two-day visit in Lesotho on 12 September. The visit takes place in the context of the country's preparations for local and parliamentary elections while dealing with the effects of a severe fiscal crisis.

Commissioner Piebalgs will also announce disbursements of €15 million that will enable the country to improve people's access to clean water and sanitation and to further its development agenda.


EU reaffirms its support to peace and security in Africa with €300 million


The European Commission has decided to replenish the African Peace Facility (APF) with €300 million to support African peace and security actions both at regional and continental levels. The funding will be available to the African Union and African Regional Organisations for the period 2011-2013 in order to support relevant, targeted, continental and regional initiatives in the area of conflict prevention, management and resolution, and peace building.


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top