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La Commission européenne révise le montant de l'aide destinée à la Guinée


Après avoir assoupli les conditions d'une reprise totale de la coopération entre l'Union européenne et la Guinée (décision du Conseil de l'Union européenne du 18 juillet 2011), la Commission européenne adopte le montant de l'aide destiné à la Guinée. Le nouveau montant des fonds alloués à la Guinée sur le 10ème Fonds européen de développement (FED) est de 165,9 millions d'euros. Ces fonds seront rendus disponibles après la tenue d'élections législatives libres et transparentes et serviront à financer des programmes de développement et de consolidation de la démocratie.


More responsible business in Europe - European Commission adopts the revision of transparency directive including country by country reporting


Statement from EU Commissioner for Internal Market and Financial services, Michel Barnier and EU Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs: "During the African Union Summit with African Ministers of Finance last January in Addis Ababa, we committed to lead on the fight for more transparency of European extractive and forestry industries active in Africa. Today, by adopting legislative proposals for the transparency and accounting directives, requiring the disclosure of payments to governments on a country and project basis by listed and large non-listed companies with activities in these sectors, the Commission is delivering on its commitments.


Participation du Commissaire Piebalgs à la Conférence G20 Développement français (fr)


Aujourd'hui, le Commissaire européen au Développement Andris Piebalgs participe à la conférence  de haut niveau "G20 Développement : des solutions pour un nouveau monde" organisée dans le cadre de la Présidence française du G20.

More français (fr)

Discussion with stakeholders on the Agenda for Change continues – watch it live online


Following the official launch of the policy proposals for changes in future EU development policy, today the stakeholders and representative from partner countries will engage in discussion on the topic.


World Food Day - Europe acts to alleviate hunger and ensure nutrition around the world


Today is World Food Day. Today is also a day when close to a billion people around the world are under-nourished, when the number of the hungry is higher than ever since 1995 and when there are still countries - from North Korea to Somalia and from Haiti to Yemen - where people can go without a proper meal day in and day out.


Commissioner Piebalgs proposes changes to EU development policy


Commission to increase aid impact, concentrating on fewer sectors, focusing on countries most in need

The EU will re-prioritise its delivery of aid to developing countries to ensure maximum impact on poverty reduction. Today, EU Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, presented the 'Agenda for Change' of EU Development policy and a new policy for EU budget support. These communications set out a more strategic EU approach to reducing poverty, including through a more targeted allocation of funding.


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top