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Towards supporting developing countries through all EU policy areas: New report shows progress on policy coherence for development


Today, the European Commission published its biennial report on Policy Coherence for Development. It shows that the EU and its Member States have improved the way they make sure that their policies in various areas contribute to development objectives and to the global fight against poverty. The study focuses on progress in five key areas: trade and finance, climate change, food security, migration and security. At the same time it also underlines that there is a continued need to better integrate the development dimension in the design of other EU policies, focusing on benefits and synergies.

Full text of the report



European Development Days in Warsaw to foster the link between democracy, human rights and fight against poverty


The European Development Days (EDDs), one of the key events in the international development community, will take place tomorrow in Warsaw. Jointly organised by the European Commission and the Polish Presidency, this year's EDDs will focus on the recent Arab Spring events, and will include a keynote speech by the Interim Prime Minister of Tunisia, H.E. Beji Caid el Sebsi.


The Lorenzo Natali Grand Prize 2011 awarded


17 winners from all around the world were awarded Lorenzo Natali Prize for outstanding journalistic work covering issues of development, human rights and democracy during the award ceremony in Brussels tonight. They have been chosen from more than 1300 participants.


Strengthening Europe's place in the world: An external budget for 2014-2020 to respect EU commitments and promote shared values


Today, Commissioners Piebalgs and Fule will present a Commission proposal for the EU budget in external relations. The press conference will take place at 12.30 and you can watch it online.


Working together to make Aid more effective


This week during High-Level in Busan the leaders discussed how to make global development aid more effective.

You can see why is this important on these videos.


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top