This site has been archived on 19/11/14

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Commission proposes to gradually resume development aid to the Republic of Niger


Commissioner Piebalgs said: "This decision sends a clear signal of support for the government of Niger. We acknowledge the concrete commitments made and stand ready to contribute to the progressive return of the constitutional order and rule of law in Niger. In difficult times, this will also reinforce the long-lasting support we provide to the people of Niger."


Commissioner Piebalgs pushes for tangible results on maternal and child health at the African Union Summit


From 24th to 26th July, European Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, will address the 15th African Union (AU) Summit in Kampala, Uganda. Maternal, infant and child health will be the core theme of the meeting gathering the 53 African Union Member States. The EU Commissioner will stress the need for concrete progress in these areas. Among the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), child and maternal health (MDGs 4 and 5) are those where many developing countries are most off track. This is important as both Africa and the EU are preparing for the High Level Summit on MDGs that will take place in New York on 20-22 September.


Commissioner Piebalgs in London to promote EU action against illegal timber export from developing countries


The EU must be at the forefront of fight against illegal timber trade. Following Ghana, the Republic of Congo, and soon Cameroon, I encourage all wood producing countries to sign the tailor-made voluntary trade agreements with the EU, named "FLEGT". This is in our mutual interest: we guarantee European consumers that the furniture, the decoration and any wooden product they buy has been legally produced and imported within the EU, in respect of the biodiversity and forest life cycle; in the same time, thi will benefit developing countries who will enjoy a legal and sustainable exploitation of their forests, ensuring jobs creation and domestic resources.

For more information read: the press release - and FAQ on illegal logging and FLEGT


Commissioner Piebalgs is in Finland to promote development policy


Andris Piebalgs, the European Commissioner for Development, visits Finland on 9 July. He held meetings with Alexander Stubb, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Paavo Väyrynen, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development to discuss latest development policy issues. He also met with the civil society representatives from ca. 16 major Finnish NGOs to discuss various areas of development policy with non-governmental actors.


Andulce Chacón Camila Micaela, 10 years old, School San Ignacio, La Paz (Bolivia)
Drawing for a better and equal world


Around 50 000 children from all over the world, aged between 8-10, have participated in the 2010 edition of the international drawing competition on Gender Equality, organised by the European Commission. The Drawing Competition, organised for the fourth year in a row, has been able to mobilise and raise the awareness of both children and adults around the issue of gender equality.

Since the launch of the competition on International Women's Day on 8 March this year, the Commission received drawings from children in 61 countries from the four corners of the globe. The 14 final winners have now been selected and will be exhibited from 9 to 26 November 2010 in Brussels. The winners will also be awarded a prize of €1,000 each, which will be used to buy books, computers, pay for school or library fees or other education materials.


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top