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Agenda for Change


The Agenda for Change was set-up to adapt the way we deliver aid in this fast changing environment. A short video explains how EuropeAid is working to increase the impact of development policies.


Somalia headline
Joint Statement by Commissioners Piebalgs and Georgieva on the Horn of Africa


One year ago, the United Nations declared famine in Southern Somalia. At that time, the entire Horn of Africa was dramatically affected by a major food crisis triggered by drought, conflict, high food prices and the near impossibility of humanitarian organisations to reach the people who needed aid in Somalia. Malnutrition and mortality rates rose to unprecedented levels and hundreds of thousands of refugees from Somalia crossed the border to neighbouring countries, often reaching refugee camps on the verge of death from exhaustion and hunger.  The European Commission and Member States responded to the crisis from its outset; providing fast, generous and sustained assistance.


President Barroso and Commissioner Piebalgs visit Tanzania


After their visit to Mozambique, they will arrive in Tanzania with the aim of strengthening political dialogue and launch major poverty reduction programmes. Six new development programmes will be launched to improve access to water and sanitation, strengthen the road transport sector and rural road infrastructure, as well as good governance and social accountability.


President Barroso and Commissioner Piebalgs visit Mozambique


During the visit three new bilateral agreements will be signed with the aim to boost local economic development, to support for civil society groups and to reinforce the rule of law and public accountability, totalling €37 million. They will also visit Port of Beira, one of the key infrastructures of Mozambique and the EU funded corridor project. The Beira corridor will provide an access to the interior of Mozambique and its hinterland – Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi- which will unlock substantial trade and economic opportunities for the region.


Andris Piebalgs supports family planning


New support which will help to provide additional life-saving, affordable, contraceptive information, services, and supplies to women and girls in the world’s poorest countries was announced by EU Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, at a family planning summit.


Andris Piebalgs at Rio+20 Summit


Commissioner Piebalgs attended the Rio+20 Summit on 19th and 20th of June. He visited the Slow Food market of Tijuca and participated to the side events on 'Sustainable energy for All' and on "Sustainable agriculture".


EU Commissioner Piebalgs to attend the Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan: "The EU will remain a steadfast partner for Afghanistan's stabilisation and development"


On the 8th July, EU Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs will attend the international Conference on Afghanistan in Tokyo, Japan. The International Conference will take stock of the country's reconstruction process and agree on how to implement development priorities for Afghanistan from 2015 to 2025. He will present the EU's vision of a consolidated partnership with Afghanistan in order to strengthen the country's development.


Providing children with their 'first right': new EU project to ensure birth registration in eight countries


A project that will register mandatory children born in eight countries across Africa, Asia and the Pacific; ensuring that millions more people can enjoy access to healthcare, attend school and vote in elections for the first time as a result, was today announced by Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs.


Rencontre entre le Commissaire Piebalgs et M. Omer Beriziky, Premier Ministre de Madagascar


M. Andris Piebalgs, Commissaire chargé du Développement, a rencontré le Premier ministre de Madagascar M. Omer Beriziky en visite officielle à Bruxelles pour rencontrer les autorités de l'UE.
Il s'agit de la première visite d'un haut représentant politique malgache depuis le début de la crise politique de 2009. Elle précède le lancement d'un dialogue politique renforcé entre l'UE et Madagascar.


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top