This site has been archived on 19/11/14

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Number of km of road constructed and rehabilitated

Support for Regional Integration Ecuador - Peru / Road Axis Nº1

This bi-national project contemplates new infrastructure in the border region as an alternate route for road traffic, as well as an integrated customs infrastructure. It is also prepared to prevent damages from El Niño-Southern Oscillation.

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Millennium Development Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development


PIP Quality and conformity Fruits and vegetables

The PIP is helping smallholder fruit and vegetables exporters to comply with European food safety regulations and commercial requirements.

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Millennium Development Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability


Number of people connected to improved drinking water and sanitation facilities + Forest and protected areas…

Mid-western Towns Water and Sanitation Project

Between 2001 and 2007, the EU supported the renovation of Mubende's (Uganda) water supply system dating from 1925.


Millennium Development Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases


Number of people with advanced HIV infection receiving antiretroviral combination therapy

Prevention, Positive Living and Empowerment (APPLE) Initiative for Malawi and Mozambique

Corridors between Malawi and Mozambique are an alarming focal point of HIV infection. Local village populations, truckers and sex workers moving along the two passages are mainly affected. APLLE aims to help combat the spread of the disease.

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Millennium Development Goal 5: Improve maternal health


Nr of births attended by skilled health personnel

Nr of consultations on reproductive health

A basic package of health services for the Nangarhar province (Afgha)

The Afghan maternal mortality rate is one of the highest in the world at 16%. A Basic Package of Health services has been set with the objective of covering at least 90% of the population by the end of 2010.

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Millennium Development Goal 4: Reduce child mortality


Nr of children under one year of age immunized against measles, nr of health centres built, renewed etc.

Improvement of mother and child care health services in Uzbekistan

In Uzbekistan the EU and UNICEF are saving lives. 13 000 health professionals are being trained in low cost, high impact maternal and childcare techniques. The project budget is € 3.8 million, with € 3.5 million from the EU.

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Millennium Development Goal 3: Promoting gender equality and empower women


Nr of female students enrolled in secondary education

Campaign for the eradication of violence against women and human trafficking in the state of Tlaxcala, Mexico

This project is run by Centro Fray Julián Garcés in the state of Tlaxcala, Mexico. It aims at protecting women's rights. By the mobilisation of civil society, the project has succeeded in making the local legislature criminalize human trafficking.

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Millennium Development Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education


Number of pupils enrolled in primary education, number of primary school teachers trained, number of schools built/rehabilitated.

Education Enhancement Programme in Egypt

Low enrolment of girls, low student performance and lack of human and financial resources is a problem for certain regions in Egypt. EU funding to the Egyptian government aims to help reach the goal of universal primary education for all.

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Millennium Development Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger


Number of people trained in technical and vocational education and training.
Number of people assisted through social transfers

Income Generating Public Works Programme in Malawi
The Income Generating Public Works Programme promotes productive and income-generating activities for the rural poor in Malawi. Village forestry clubs, directed primarily by women, belong to the main beneficiaries of the programme.

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Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top