This site has been archived on 19/11/14

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Turning the tide: how the EU is using water to save lives and feed the population


Statement by Commissioner Piebalgs to mark the World Water Week 2012 (26 - 31 August): "I want to confirm the EU's strong commitment to making sure that everyone, no matter where they live, has access to clean, safe water and sanitation. We don't start from scratch and our aid has already triggered good results. Over the period 2004-2009, EU aid has provided access to clean drinking water to more than 32 million people and to sanitation to over 9.5 million people across the world.


Development cooperation
Strengthening social protection in the EU development cooperation


The Commission presented the first ever Commission Communication on social protection in international development. It outlines how future EU aid should work to help putting in place social protection policies and systems.


Prime Minister Meles Zenawi
Statement by President Barroso on the passing away of Meles Zenawi, Prime Minister of Ethiopia


"It is with great sadness that I have learnt this morning of the demise of His Excellency, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia."


EU support to save mothers' lives and improve local services in Ghana


The European Commission will support Ghana with new development programmes to reduce maternal deaths in the country by improving skills in maternal care, increasing emergency and new-born care (providing training on life-saving skills and increasing the use of emergency equipment, for example) and by making family planning services more available.


Global Hunger Event
Global hunger event: European Commission to reach at least 7 million malnourished children with its development programmes by 2025


Commissioner Piebalgs announced this new commitment during the Global Hunger Event in London. You can find his speech on here.


Global Hunger Event in London
European Development Commissioner Andris Piebalgs at the Global Hunger Event in London: "The world needs a firmer commitment to combat the curse of undernutrition"


On Sunday, 12 August, EU Commissioner Andris Piebalgs will attend the Global Hunger Event in London, at the invitation of UK Prime Minister, David Cameron. This international event will bring together heads of governments, ministers and key stakeholders from across the world to step up global efforts against undernutrition. This curse kills over 3 million children a year and devastates the lives of millions more by creating irreversible effects on the survivors' mental and physical development.


Madagascar: European Union to resume its development aid and target health and education of the most vulnerable people


As Madagascar gradually emerges from three years of political unrest, European development aid programmes are starting up again. The European Union has adopted a new aid plan focusing on health, education and strengthening civil society. This aid will be implemented at regional level through local and international NGOs, international organisations such as UNICEF, and directly by the European Union.


EU Commissioner Piebalgs appointed to UN High Level Panel on post-2015 Development Agenda


UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced the nomination of Andris Piebalgs, European Commissioner for Development, as a member of the High Level Panel on the post-Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) agenda beyond 2015. The Panel will be co-chaired by David Cameron, UK Prime Minister, Ellen Sirleaf Johnson, President of Liberia, and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of Indonesia.


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top