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EU support to save mothers' lives and improve local services in Ghana


The European Commission will support Ghana with new development programmes to reduce maternal deaths in the country by improving skills in maternal care, increasing emergency and new-born care (providing training on life-saving skills and increasing the use of emergency equipment, for example) and by making family planning services more available.

This will contribute to the goal of reducing the number of deaths during childbirth in Ghana from 451 to 185 per 100,000 live births by 2015. Currently, less than one in two women in Ghana receives skilled care during pregnancy and childbirth. The EU will also help to improve local services, especially in the areas of water, sanitation and road infrastructure. The programme will work towards making roles and relationships between levels of government clearer. Service delivery in key decentralised sectors, notably sanitation and maintenance of the road network, will also improve. The total amount of this funding decision for Ghana is €97 million.

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Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top