This site has been archived on 19/11/14

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The European Union announces new initiatives to increase transparency and improve coordination in aid delivery


Speaking at the Busan High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF4), Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs, will today present the European Union's new proposals to make its aid more effective: EU Joint Programming, which will involve EU donors working together on aid delivery and then dividing the work needed in the most efficient way,  and an EU Transparency Guarantee, which means that EU Member states will publicly disclose all information on aid programmes so that it can be more easily accessed, shared and published.


Milestone agreement to prevent illegal wood imports to EU from Central African Republic and to boost the country's timber sector


By 2014, all shipments of wood products to the European Union from the Central African Republic will be required to carry a licence certifying their legal origin, after a Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) was signed today between the EU and the Central African Republic.


Commissioner Piebalgs on his first visit to Niger: an additional support for development and security in the Sahel


During his first official visit to Niger, European Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs, has announced a new aid allocation in the amount of 91.6 million Euros for the support of security and development in the North of the country. This decision supports the European Strategy for Security and Development in the Sahel. During the visit, Commissioner has met with the President, Mahamadou Issoufou and Prime Minister, Brig Rafina, with whom he discussed country's development strategy, presented the new EU development policy and finally addressed new Strategy for Security and Development in the Sahel.


Statement on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women


Today we underline our strong commitment to combating violence against women.

One in three women suffers some form of violence or sexual abuse during their lifetime.

Every year, millions of women and girls become victims of human trafficking.


Development aid: Europeans show overwhelming support for helping world's poor despite economic crisis


Despite the current economic crisis, Europeans still regard helping the poor as a priority, according to a new survey. 84% of respondents to a new Eurobarometer support development aid to help people across the world out of poverty. The majority of EU citizens (84%) also support the strong focus of EU aid on good governance and human rights in developing countries, a direction proposed by Commissioner Piebalgs in his recent policy proposal, "Agenda for Change".


Commissioner Piebalgs in Mali to support development and security in the Sahel


Brussels, 22 November 2011 – The Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, is in Mali for his first visit to the country. This visit coincides with the adoption of a European strategy for the Sahel, aimed at supporting the efforts of countries in the region in combating instability in the Sahel Belt. Commissioner Piebalgs will announce a specific €50 million aid to help Mali strengthen the presence of the state in the north of the country, guarantee basic social services and relaunch the economy. He will go on to visit Burkina Faso and Niger, affected by the same problem, on 24 and 25 November.


Commissioner Piebalgs in Benin to encourage reforms and announce new support to local governments and jobs creation


On 22 November, European Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, arrived in Benin for a one-day visit, during which he met with President Thomas Boni Yayi and several key Ministers of the government of Benin. The Commissioner announced funding for decentralisation measures and the strengthening of local governments, as well as financial support for the development of small and medium enterprises. 


Commissioner Piebalgs visits Togo to encourage further progress on governance and economic development


On 20 November, Commissioner Piebalgs, arrived in Togo for a two-day visit to look at the country's progress and challenges in the wake of renewed development cooperation with the EU, post-2007.

The Commissioner also took part in the 22nd Session of the ACP – EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, which took place in Lomé from 19 until 23 November and brings together Members of the European Parliament and the elected representatives of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states. The Commissioner will also meet, President Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé and Prime Minister, Gilbert Fossoun Houngbo, amongst others.


And the nominees are…


The Lorenzo Natali Prize for Journalism recognises Europe’s conviction that freedom of expression, democracy, human rights and development are inextricably linked.

In too many parts of the world press freedom is still undermined or violated. Indeed, every day, thousands of reporters put their lives in danger to report on conflicts, humanitarian disasters or simply to tell human stories that we often take for granted.


Commission Piebalgs in South Sudan to foster development cooperation


Today, Andris Piebalgs, EU Development Commissioner will hold a series of political talks with President Salva Kiir and ministers of the government of South Sudan in Juba. The Commissioner will present a draft country development strategy paper, which was endorsed by the EU development ministers.


European Commission and European Investment Bank welcome start of work on an “EU Platform for External Cooperation and Development”


A Commission expert group, including the European Investment Bank and Member States, has begun studying the possible establishment of an EU Platform for External Cooperation and Development. The aim would be to increase the impact of EU external cooperation activities by optimising financial mechanisms blending EU grants and loans. This will allow to leverage limited financial resources to support external and development policy priorities for the benefit of EU partner countries.


Commissioner Piebalgs, launches a dialogue for a Public-Private Partnership to boost Investment in Agriculture and Agribusiness in Uganda


European Union Commissioner for Development Cooperation Mr. Andris PIEBALGS, has today participated, with the presence of Minister of Finance Hon. Maria Kiwanuka, Minister of Agriculture, Hon Tress Buchanayandi in a High Level Roundtable on "INVESTING IN AGRICULTURE, THE ENGINE FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH IN UGANDA: A PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP TO BOOST INVESTMENT", Kampala, Serena Conference Centre November 8, 2011


Official visit of Commissioner Piebalgs in Uganda to explore innovative financing for the agriculture sector


European Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs is in Uganda for a two-day visit. Together with government and private sector representatives he will explore how to improve access to financing for small and medium enterprises in agriculture and the agribusiness through public-private partnerships. The Commissioner will also inaugurate an EU-funded road that is essential for cross-border trade in the region. He will meet, among others, President Yoweri Museveni and Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi.


Children of the border zone between Honduras and El Salvador
EU announces new support for education for all in developing countries


The EU pledged today new funding for the Global Partnership for Education, to improve basic education in over 46 developing countries. The new support was announced at a Pledging Conference in Copenhagen of over 200 participants from more than 40 countries, organised by the Global Partnership for Education to replenish and mobilise resources and political commitments to support education for all in developing countries.


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top