This site has been archived on 19/11/14

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Commissioner Piebalgs attends Africa-France Summit


Commissioner Piebalgs, along with Heads of State and Government from African continent and representatives of international institutions, is taking part in the XXV Africa-France Summit in Nice. Whilst representing the European Commission, the Commissioner will take part in debates on Africa's role in global governance, peace and security and also climate and development policy. Commissioner Piebalgs will also hold a series of bilateral meetings.


Deuxième réunion de consultation avec la République du Niger sur la base de l'article 96 de l'Accord de partenariat ACP-UE de Cotonou


Je salue les résultats des consultations tenues le 26 mai 2010 à Bruxelles avec la République du Niger, sur base de l'article 96 de l'Accord de partenariat ACP-UE de Cotonou.

Je continuerai à suivre de près le respect des les engagements pris par la partie nigérienne et l'évolution du processus de transition vers un nouveau cadre constitutionnel et la mise en place d'autorités démocratiquement élues.


Asia-Europe development cooperation takes centre stage as Commissioner Piebalgs opens ASEM Development Conference II


An Asia-Europe Partnership for Sustainable Development will be the driving theme behind the high-level ASEM Development Conference II, taking place on 26 and 27 May 2010, in Indonesia. Co-hosted by the Republic of Indonesia and the European Commission, the event is taking place in the run-up to the 8th Summit of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) being hosted by Belgium on 4-5 October 2010.


Commissioner Piebalgs in Indonesia


Today, EU Commissioner Piebalgs is in Jakarta, Indonesia, where he will commit support to Education sector in Indonesia for an amount of €200 million.


EU-Indonesia cooperation: Protecting forest ecosystems from illegal logging


The 24-26 May Andris Piebalgs is doing his first visit to Indonesia as EU Commissioner for Development. One of the projects that the Commission finances within its EU-Indonesia cooperation is the Aceh Forest and Environment Project (AFEP). AFEP seeks to establish an appropriate balance between forest protection and economic benefits and livelihood opportunities to local communities. The objective is to help protect 3.3 million hectares of the Leuser and Ulu Masen forest ecosystems from illegal logging.


Commissioner Piebalgs fully supports the statement made by the EU High Representative


Commissioner Piebalgs fully supports the statement made by the EU High Representative / Vice-President of the Commission, Cathy Ashton, following the conviction and sentencing of Tiwonge Chimbalanga and Steven Monjeza to 14 years in jail with hard labor for homosexuality.


Visit to Poland on 17 May


Yesterday, Commissioner Piebalgs visited Warsaw to promote Polish's participation to development policy and aid. He notably launched the second series of the Kapucinski Lecture, a round of conferences due to raise awareness on Development issues in Poland.


Increasing West Africa’s capacity for trade


As a stepping stone to achieving a regional Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), the EU Development Council expressed a clear commitment to support the EPA Programme for Development ("PAPED") on May 10.  PAPED is an ambitious programme for trade and economic co-operation in West Africa that supports the EPA's objective to deliver development through trade.


Development on the agenda of the Shanghai Expo 2010


This year, the European Union takes part for the first time in a Universal Exhibition being held outside Europe – the Shanghai World Expo 2010. 70 million visitors are expected during this six month flagship event which started on 1 May with the overall theme "Better city, Better life". Shanghai Expo 2010 is a unique opportunity to bring the peoples of Europe and China closer together.


Welcome to visit the Commission at the Open Door Day on Saturday 8 May


Every year the European Commission opens up its doors to the public to celebrate the Europe Day (9 May). This year is not an exception and on the Open Door Day, Saturday 8 May, anyone interested can visit the main Commission building (Berlaymont), along with other buildings of the Council and the Parliament. Information stands, interactive games, performances and music are some of the elements that meet the visitors during the day and the event usually attracts around 30 000 people.


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top