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Development on the agenda of the Shanghai Expo 2010

This year, the European Union takes part for the first time in a Universal Exhibition being held outside Europe – the Shanghai World Expo 2010. 70 million visitors are expected during this six month flagship event which started on 1 May with the overall theme "Better city, Better life". Shanghai Expo 2010 is a unique opportunity to bring the peoples of Europe and China closer together.

The EU will host a number of showcase events kicking off with a three day forum entitled "EU in the world". It will consist of a series of high level round tables on issues such as urbanisation and development, climate change and the Millennium Development Goals.  Urbanisation is an ever-growing phenomenon with the consequent proliferation of city slums being one of the biggest concerns. Infrastructure, water and sanitation, environment and governance, disaster prevention and reconstruction are just some of the related sectors. What should we learn from past experiences to meet the growing needs? Climate change is another major issue for the development agenda.How to finance the needs? What are the necessary adaptations to foresee? How to reduce CO2 emissions in partner countries? These are some of the questions that will be discussed with our chineses partners. Finally, in the perspective of the UN Summit to be held in New York in September 2010, it is time to review progress acheived so far to attain the MGDs.

The EU will use the opportunity of the EXPO to develop its relationship with many parts of Chinese society, including high-level policymakers, academics and representatives of civil society, by holding a series of events on many current topics. Besides a permanent exhibition on the theme “Intelligent Europe”, major cultural events will be organised – starting with the celebration of “Europe Day” on 9th May.

Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top