This site has been archived on 19/11/14

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Ivory Coast: EU launches five programmes for economic recovery and national reconciliation for € 125 million


Brussels, 20 July 2011 - European Union adopted today five programmes for 125 million euros to Ivory Coast. These programmes are intended to support the areas of vocational training, health, transportation, public finance management and the strengthening of civil society organisations.


Resumption of aid for Niger: Commission releases €25 million


The European Commission has released €25 million in budgetary support for Niger,  the first such payment since the investiture of the new president, Mahamadou Issoufou, in April 2011 and since the EU resumed in full its cooperation with Niger on 20 June. With these funds the government will be able to step up its fight against poverty, in particular by concentrating on the social sectors (education and health).    


The Commission and the Inter-American Development Bank team up on economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean


Today, The European Commission (EC) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) signed a Framework Agreement to expand cooperation between the two institutions on economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean. This is the first ever Framework Agreement to be signed by the Commission and a Regional Development Bank.


Piebalgs at the WTO to discuss "Aid for Trade"


On 19th July, European Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs, will represent the European Commission at the World Trade Organisation's Third Global Review of Aid for Trade in Geneva. The meeting will be a key opportunity for donors and developing countries to come together to look at how Aid for Trade (AfT) is helping people across the world to trade and what has been achieved since the launch of the Aid-for-Trade Initiative at the Sixth WTO Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong in 2005.


The EU revises conditions for a full resumption of cooperation with Guinea


The European Union today revised the conditions for fully resuming EU cooperation with the Republic of Guinea (doc. 12453/1/11 REV 1 ). Today's decision acknowledges Guinea's progress towards constitutional rule and democratisation and eases the conditions for a full resumption of EU support.


The EU sets out roadmap for the gradual resumption of development cooperation with Guinea-Bissau


The EU Council today concluded consultations held under Article 96 of the Cotonou Agreement with the Republic of Guinea-Bissau and set out a roadmap to gradually resume development cooperation with the country (doc. 12515/11 ). The roadmap foresees that advances made by Guinea-Bissau in the reform process will be reflected in a gradual resumption of EU development assistance.


European Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs
Commission's development aid makes a difference - shows the annual report on development and external assistance


Today, European Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, presents the 2010 Report on development and external assistance, as the EU Development Ministers meet in Poland. It confirms the Commission as one of the largest providers of development aid in the world, with commitments and disbursements exceeding €11 billion respectively. The priorities for 2010 were to continue ensuring progress of the Millennium Development Goals and to help developing countries tackling the impact of the economic downturn and the food prices instability. EU aid's intention was to prevent progress from backsliding because of the crisis and to consolidate what has been achieved.



EU stands shoulder-to-shoulder with South Sudan


As South Sudan has announced its independence on 9 July, the EU has extended a welcoming hand, reiterating its intention to continue support and develop a regular dialogue.

Over 98% of voters from South Sudan voted in favour of separation from North Sudan in a January referendum. EU observers found the election to be peaceful and credible, and the turnout overwhelming at 97.5%. Voters’ wishes will become reality on 9 July, when independence is announced

Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs recently visited South Sudan with the comprehensive approach in mind. ‘Let us rejoice, but let us also remind each other that with independence comes enormous responsibility,’ he said.


Somaliland: EU Commissioner Andris Piebalgs announces more support for stability and regional cooperation


During a visit to Somaliland, the EU Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, announced today that the European Union is considering to provide around additional €175 million in EU support to Somalia, including to Somaliland.

In his speech before the Somaliland Parliament, Mr Piebalgs said: “The European Union welcomes the contribution that Somaliland is making to peace and good governance in the region. It is an encouraging example of peace, democracy and stability. This is why we will invest additional development funds as security and the socio-political conditions favour sustainable development.


Commissioner Piebalgs in Djibouti to encourage country on its way to good governance and development


On 5 July, Andris Piebalgs, European Commissioner for Development will arrive in Djibouti for a visit during which he will meet with President Ismail Omar Guelleh, Prime Minister Dileita Mohamed Dileita and several other high-level representatives of the Djibouti government.

During his encounters with government officials the Commissioner will discuss issues of governance and of reinforced cooperation between the EU and Djibouti, particularly in the area of energy, water and sanitation. Exchanges will also cover more generally topics of poverty alleviation and how the Millennium Development Goals can be achieved in Djibouti.


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top