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La Commission européenne soutient la première Journée de la Télévision Africaine ce dimanche 27 février 2011, en direct du Festival de cinéma de Ouagadougou


Le 27 février 2011, 7 télévisions privées d’Afrique francophone proposeront pour la première fois, une programmation commune, 100 % Afrique, véritable panorama de la production africaine. Cette journée se déroulera durant le Festival panafricain du cinéma et de la télévision de Ouagadougou (FESPACO), plus grand festival de cinéma et télévision en Afrique subsaharienne.


Statement from Andris Piebalgs, EU Commissioner for Development on the European Court of Auditors report related to the effectiveness of the Commission's management of General Budget support in the ACP, Latin America and Asian countries


"I greatly welcome the Court's report. The conclusions will be fundamental and critical inputs into my efforts to increase the management of EU aid towards greater value for money.

There are many positive elements in the Court's reports. The Court notably recognizes that "the delivery of aid through budget support has several potential advantages over the traditional approach", mentioning notably the predictability of the aid, the increased ownership of partner countries of their strategies, and a strengthened political dialogue. The report also notes that "the Commission has made considerable efforts to develop and improve its approach to budget support".


EU Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs in Germany to discuss EU development policy


Today, 11 February, Commissioner Piebalgs is in Berlin to discuss the future of EU development policy with German authorities and representatives of civil society. Commissioner Piebalgs meets with Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Dirk Niebel, with Members of the Bundestag's Committee for Economic Cooperation and Development, Members of the Committee for European Affairs and the Budget Committee. The leaders discuss Commission's public consultations on the future of EU development policy and how to ensure a stronger added value of the aid. They also discuss the political situation in Africa, following up on the EU-Africa Summit.


Commissioner Piebalgs in Slovakia to promote EU development policy


On 8 February, Commissioner Piebalgs visits Slovakia to promote EU development policy. He first meets the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mikuláš Dzurinda, and the State Secretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Milan Ježovica. The Commissioner meets also the Prime Minister Mrs. Iveta Radičová. He also goes to the National Council of Slovak Republic and attends the joint session of two parliamentary Committees: the EU Affairs and the Foreign Affairs Committee. Before leaving Slovakia, the Commissioner has a meting on the EU development aid with representatives of civil society. The main topics for discussion during the visit include the future of EU development policy as well as Slovakian future contribution to European Development Fund. The leaders will also notably discuss the possibility of taking advantage of the Slovakian transition experience for the benefit of developing countries.


Commissioner Piebalgs on the elections in Haiti


"I welcome the announcement of the results of the first round of presidential and legislative elections in Haiti. Free and fair elections must be ensured so that the EU can continue to work with a legitimate partner. We need to speed up the reconstruction efforts that are currently hampered by the political unrest. The Commission has been a steadfast partner over the years. We have already disbursed funds to consolidate the State, to build roads and schools. But this is not enough, it is even just a beginning to provide Haitians with a promising future and sustainable development. I join my voice to the statement published today by the spokesperson of the High Representative and Vice President of the Commission; please read here ".


Joint statement on electoral process in Niger by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs


We welcome the great sense of responsibility shown by the Nigerien electorate who have gone to the polls peacefully to vote in the first round of the presidential election and in the parliamentary election and we commend the transition authorities for their efforts to respect the roadmap to which they were committed since April 2010.


Commissioner Piebalgs in Spain to discuss EU development policy


Today, Commissioner Piebalgs is in Spain to discuss EU development policy. The Commissioner will meet with Soraya Rodrigues Ramos, Secretary of State for International Cooperation to discuss, among other things, the public consultations on the future orientation of the EU development policy (Green Paper) and other recent political events. He will also address the Parliamentary Joint Committee and meet with its President, Miguel Arias Cañete. Commissioner Piebalgs will also host a meeting with representatives of NGOs and other civil society organisations.


Commission welcomes opening of consultations with Guinea-Bissau due to failure to respect democratic principles


The Commission today welcomes the Council's decision to open consultations with Guinea-Bissau, following the Commission's proposal from 20 December 2010. This initiative is based on Article 96 of the Cotonou Agreement and reflects concerns about the situation in Guinea-Bissau in terms of respect for democratic principles and the rule of law. The decision also indicates a willingness to put in place a strategy to end the crisis together with the various parties involved. Part of EU development cooperation will be preliminary suspended.


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top