This site has been archived on 19/11/14

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Today, the European Commission adopted its proposal for the next multiannual budget covering the period 2014-2020


The overall objective was to maintain a modest budget, with the maximal added value and concrete impact on the lives of the 500 millions European citizens.


Commissioner Piebalgs in Bangladesh to support encouraging progress for poverty reduction and strengthen development cooperation


On Tuesday, 21 June, European Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs will arrive to Dhaka (Bangladesh), together with German Development Minister Dirk Niebel, for an official visit to the country. Commissioner Piebalgs will meet Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed and several senior members of the Government to reaffirm EU support for Bangladesh’s sustainable and inclusive economic growth and social development. He will also meet leading representatives of civil society and visit several EU-funded projects.


Commissioner Piebalgs calls for urgent reforms in finance and governance to accelerate poverty reduction during visit to Afghanistan


On Sunday Commissioner Andris Piebalgs arrived with an official visit to Afghanistan to discuss the next steps of EU cooperation with the country.

On the first day of his visit, the Commissioner met with President Karzai and other high level Government representatives and UN agencies. On Monday, 20 June, he will visit some EU funded projects.


L'Union européenne renforce son soutien au développement du secteur des transports routiers au Burundi français (fr)


Après avoir appuyé le Burundi par un important investissement de plus de 105 millions d'euros dans le secteur des routes, l'Union Européenne poursuit son engagement en annonçant un le lancement d'un nouveau projet pour le développement des infrastructures routières burundaises, avec un financement d'un montant de 36 millions d'euros à l'occasion de l'inauguration d'une autre route ayant bénéficiée d'un soutien de l'UE.

More français (fr)

Teacher talking to his students in North Pakistan
The EU ready to increase its assistance to Pakistan and urges continued reform


Today, EU Commissioner Andris Piebalgs arrived, together with German Development Minister Dirk Niebel, in Islamabad for a joint visit to Pakistan. The Commissioner will reaffirm the intentions of the European Commission to increase its development assistance to Pakistan by 50%, from €50 to €75 million a year for 2011-2013. The aid programmes will continue to focus on rural development, support for education and stronger governance.


European Commission announces an extra €10 million to provide life-saving vaccines


Commissioner Piebalgs will announce new funding to help immunize millions of people against preventable diseases on Monday, 13 June.

During the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisations (GAVI) Conference in London, the Commissioner will announce the pledge towards the US$ 3.7 billion (or €2.6 billion) total which GAVI has said it needs to vaccinate nearly 250 million children over the next five years. This is expected to save almost 4 million lives.


Commissioner Piebalgs visits Sweden - a champion of aid


EU Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, will visit Sweden on 9 June, as part of his "tour des capitales". He will meet with Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Bildt, as well as Minister for International Development and cooperation, Gunilla Carlsson.


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top