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Turning the Millennium Development Goals into Millennium Development Achievements. Commissioner Piebalgs in the UN Development Cooperation Forum


"Europe is committed to ending the lottery of where you live determines how you live. Last week, European leaders reaffirmed their commitment towards the Millennium Development Goals and their development aid targets by 2015. At the G8/G20 meeting, President Barroso called to speed up work. I now call on other international development aid donors to join our ambition to make the fight against poverty a reality. It is time to turn pledges in actions and Millennium Development Goals in Millennium Development Achievements."


EuropeAid's first Charity Art Auction


EuropeAid, the European Commission Cooperation's office, is organising its very first Charity Art Auction on Thursday, 1 July 2010 at 5 pm. There will be 13 art pieces related to development on sale and the money raised will be given to a development NGO supporting street children in Nepal.


Commissioner Piebalgs goes to Romania to promote development policy


Andris Piebalgs, visited Romania on 24-25 June 2010 to open the third edition of the "Romanian Development Camp", this year dedicated to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).


Commissioner Piebalgs in Burkina Faso attends the joint EU-ACP Council and signes the revised Cotonou agreement


" The joint EU-ACP Council represents half of the world and half of global aid. The revised Cotonou Agreement is our common instrument in the fight against poverty. It will help to tackle the challenges of regional integration, climate change and the achievement of the Millennium Development in these countries. If we join our efforts to address common challenges, if we speak together as one, we can make New York and Cancun a success".  

Read the press release ...


EU and South Africa - Partnership of Equals


As the World Cup is taking place for the very first time on African soil, this creates an occasion to put the spotlight on the EU cooperation with South Africa and see how this relation has evolved over the years.


Development Ministers Meeting


As a part of the Foreign Affairs Council, the Ministries of Development met on Monday in Luxembourg. The EU expressed its strong support for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and reaffirmed its commitment to increasing aid spending to reach 0.7% of GNI by 2015.


World Cup 2010: Commissioner Piebalgs' message to all football fans and friends of Africa


This month belongs to Africa… I'm a European supporter. But this time, I wish an African team wins the World Cup!

Watch video...


EU Food Facility - fast and effective fight against hunger


The global food crisis, stemming from soaring food prices in 2007 and 2008, was a wake-up call to the international community to get agriculture back on track in the fight against hunger. Faced with the urgency, the European Union reacted quickly by adopting the € 1 billion EU Food Facility aiming to respond to the food insecurity in 50 countries worst hit by the high food prices and the economic crises. Only a year and a half after the adoption of the regulation, half of its budget – € 500 billion – has already been disbursed and projects helping people out of hunger are being implemented all over the world.


Commissioner Piebalgs in Addis Ababa – meeting between the European Commission and the African Union Commission


Today, Commissioner Piebalgs, along with the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso and seven other Commissioners are in Addis Ababa for a meeting with the Commission of the African Union.


Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top