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Commissioner Piebalgs in Addis Ababa – meeting between the European Commission and the African Union Commission

Today, Commissioner Piebalgs, along with the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso and seven other Commissioners are in Addis Ababa for a meeting with the Commission of the African Union.

They will discuss hot topics like climate change, environment, energy, human rights, health and others that are of a great interest for both parties. This meeting is a good opportunity to enhance institutional cooperation between the two organizations and to give fresh impetus to the implementation of the Africa-EU Strategy and its 2008-2010 Action Plan. The two sides plan to work on a forward looking agenda for the relations between the two continents in the run-up to the third Africa-EU Summit, which will adopt the next Action Plan for 2011-2013.

Read more: Press release, MEMO, The Africa – EU Strategic Partnership and The Action Plan .

More information also available on the EU - Africa Partnership website.

Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top