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Le Commissaire Andris Piebalgs à Addis Abeba - réunion entre la CE et la Commission de l'UA

Aujourd'hui, le Commissaire Piebalgs, avec le Président de la Commission européenne, José Manuel Barroso et sept autres Commissaires sont à Addis Abeba pour une réunion avec la Commission de l'Union africaine.

They will discuss hot topics like climate change, environment, energy, human rights, health and others that are of a great interest for both parties. This meeting is a good opportunity to enhance institutional cooperation between the two organizations and to give fresh impetus to the implementation of the Africa-EU Strategy and its 2008-2010 Action Plan. The two sides plan to work on a forward looking agenda for the relations between the two continents in the run-up to the third Africa-EU Summit, which will adopt the next Action Plan for 2011-2013.

Read more: Press release, MEMO, The Africa – EU Strategic Partnership and The Action Plan .

More information also available on the EU - Africa Partnership website.

Dernière mise à jour : 19/11/2014 |  Haut de la page