This site has been archived on 19/11/14

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World Food Day - Europe acts to alleviate hunger and ensure nutrition around the world

Today is World Food Day. Today is also a day when close to a billion people around the world are under-nourished, when the number of the hungry is higher than ever since 1995 and when there are still countries - from North Korea to Somalia and from Haiti to Yemen - where people can go without a proper meal day in and day out.

As one of the largest donors of food assistance and a major force for bringing food security to the development world, the European Commission uses a broad range of methods to improve this situation - from food assistance in emergency responses, such as in Sudan and Pakistan, to support to national nutrition or agricultural strategies, for example in the Sahel. Only a few days ago, the European Commission proposed changes to its development policy. Agriculture and food security feature prominently in Commission's "Agenda for Change".

With rising food prices, climate change, population growth and conflicts creating ever greater challenges there has never been a greater need for governments, international donors, civil society and the private sector to work together to fight hunger and ensure healthy daily nutrition. The Commission will continue to be part of the solution, both with its emergency support for those who are hungry today, as well as with its long-term policies to make sure that people have enough food in the future.

Last update: 19/11/2014 |  Top