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Overview   Agriculture

EU Aid Explorer: the tool that answers your development aid questions

The EU and its Member States are the world’s biggest aid donor but which countries receive aid? From whom? And for what? The EU Aid Explorer has the answers! Launched earlier this year, it was presented on 11/09/2019 to members of the International Aid Transparency Initiative as they gather in Brussels.

EEA report on Climate change and the future of farming in Europe

Crop and livestock production is projected to decrease and may even have to be abandoned in parts of Europe’s southern and Mediterranean regions due to the increased negative impacts of climate change, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report published on 04 Sep 2019.

European Union invests €59 million to improve rural livelihoods in Tajikistan

Today, the European Commission has announced a €59 million support programme to boost rural development in Tajikistan. Agriculture contributes to about one quarter of the country’s GDP and close to three quarters of the population live in rural areas. Yet the rural economy suffers from structural challenges, notably in the areas of natural resource management and business activity.

Conservation agriculture technologies: A framed field experiment in Ghana

Under the GASIP project funded by IFAD, a framed field experiment has been conducted in northern Ghana in a close collaboration with MOFA. The idea is to see if giving farmers some incentives (e.g. implements, inputs, or potentially cash) would catalyze higher rates of adoption of conservation agriculture or climate smart agriculture techniques.

Sociobiodiversity Products Value Chains

Brazilian indigenous people and traditional communities have special hereditary agricultural systems, which harmonically include forestry, rivers and agriculture with a broad knowledge of different ecosystems. The project in partnership with the European Union shows that the structuring of sociobiodiversity value chains is a central element to promote the communities' way of life, their territories and knowledge with the challenge do add “socioenvironmental services” value to promote sustainability.

New dataset on Bioenergy potentials at NUTS2 level

This collection contains datasets from ENSPRESO (ENergy Systems Potential Renewable Energy SOurces), an EU-28 wide, open dataset for energy models on renewable energy potentials, at national (NUTS0) and regional levels (NUTS2) for the 2010-2050 period.

United to end child labour in agriculture

To mark the World Day Against Child Labour, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) are jointly organising a conference followed by an interactive workshop with the title ‘United to end child labour in agriculture’.

EU adopts new rules on fertilisers

The EU is adopting new rules for placing fertilising products on the EU market. The Council today adopted a regulation which harmonises the requirements for fertilisers produced from phosphate minerals and from organic or secondary raw materials in the EU, opening up new possibilities for their production and marketing on a large scale. The regulation sets harmonised limits for a range of contaminants, such as cadmium, contained in mineral fertilisers.