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Global Food and Nutrition Security

Global Food and Nutrition Security

Coronavirus: EU provides support in Horn of Africa region

The EU is providing an additional €105.5 million to countries in the Horn of Africa as the coronavirus pandemic risks worsening the humanitarian situation across the region where many continue to suffer from armed conflict, displacement, and recurrent droughts and floods. Furthermore, a large-scale infestation of locusts threatens food security and livelihoods of many vulnerable people in the region.

Joint Statement on Libya

(New York/Geneva/Rome, 13 May 2020) Conflict and the COVID-19 pandemic present a significant threat to life in Libya. The health and safety of the country’s entire population are at risk.

UNHCR and WFP extend assistance net to cover displaced and refugee families affected by pandemic

BAGHDAD – The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) are stepping up their collaboration to help meet the essential needs of vulnerable people in Iraq. WFP has worked with UNHCR and partners to identify an additional 35,000 Syrian refugees and 10,000 people displaced by conflict who will be included in WFP food assistance programmes to help them cope with the impact of COVID-19.

Covid-19 and food security | Cocoa planters in Ivory Coast fear a drop in their income

The announcement of the arrival of coronavirus in their country is raising concerns among Ivorian cocoa planters. Although, in the short term, these planters continue to be able to feed their families thanks to their own food production, they nevertheless fear a drop in their income from cocoa. This situation would then jeopardize their food purchases between now and the end of the year. An analysis by François Ruf, an agroeconomist at CIRAD, produced in Abidjan in collaboration with observers from the NGO SADRCI and from GIZ, the German Agency for International Cooperation.