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Germany, Ministry of Agriculture and WFP work together to build resilient communities in Mali

BAMAKO – As the world braces for the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 health pandemic, Germany has reaffirmed its commitment to the long-term improvement of livelihoods and food security in Mali through an EUR 11 million contribution to the United Nations World Food Programme’s life-changing activities in the country.

date:  07/05/2020

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The support from Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development will enable WFP and partners help communities prepare for, respond to and recover from climate shocks and the impact of conflict in the country.

Over 8 years of insecurity and violence compounded by the growing effects climate change are having a toll on food security and nutrition in Mali. About 3.5 million people, representing 18 percent of the country’s population are currently struggling to feed and nourish themselves and their families.

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