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Overview   Global Food and Nutrition Security

Global Food and Nutrition Security

1 - COP28 UAE Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems and Climate Action

134 world leaders have signed up to the COP28 Declaration on agriculture, food and climate action. Endorsement of the Declaration will help in strengthening food systems, building resilience to climate change, reducing global emissions, and contributing to the global fight against hunger, aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Declaration – the first of its kind for the COP process - stresses the need for common action on climate change, which adversely affects a large portion of the world’s population, particularly those living in vulnerable countries and communities.

3 - Achieving SDG2 without breaching the 1.5C threshold - A Global Roadmap - Part 1

The roadmap identifies 120 actions and key milestones within ten domains, supported by evidence gathered by FAO over several years. These domains include clean energy, crops, fisheries and aquaculture, food loss and waste, forests and wetlands, healthy diets, livestock, soil and water, and data and inclusive policies — the latter two identified as overall systemic enablers.

8 - Food Systems Transformation at COP28 - Why agroecology must be prioritised

Transforming agriculture and food systems – which generate over a third of global emissions – is essential to limit global warming in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement. Weaning the world off industrial agriculture reliant on fossil-fuelled chemical inputs like pesticides and fertilisers is fundamental to that. The UN’s COP28 climate conference in Dubai in December presents a key moment of opportunity.

9 - Mapping the contribution of agroecological transitions to the sustainability of food systems

The aim of this work is to develop a conceptual framework of the interactions between agroecological transitions and food systems through a literature review, and to highlight both the well- and under-studied interactions between both concepts. The general objective is to revisit current knowledge on the contribution of agroecology to the sustainability of food systems. It is expected to usefully assist and guide further researches relevant to the agroecological transition toward the sustainability of food systems.

5 - The Climate Finance Gap for Small-Scale Agrifood Systems

Climate finance to small-scale agrifood systems was strikingly low in 2019/20, at just USD 5.53 billion, far below the needs of producers and supply chain actors. This represents just 0.8% of total climate finance tracked across all sectors (USD 660.2 billion), and 19% of climate flows to agrifood systems as a whole (USD 28.5 billion).

2 - The State of the World’s Cash 2023

Most people in crises prefer cash over other forms of assistance, so maximizing the use and the quality of CVA is about responding to people’s preferences – it’s also about achieving greater aid efficiency and effectiveness.

3 - Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2023

In 2022, the demand for humanitarian assistance grew larger than ever. There was an exceptional donor response to the unprecedented increase in the number of people in need – driven largely by the war in Ukraine as well as worsening crises in Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa.