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Global Food and Nutrition Security

Global Food and Nutrition Security

11- Pursuing food systems transformation despite financial constraints

The question addressed in this brief concerns how can governments pursue food systems transformation in the face of severe financial constraints, financial shocks and food-price crises. Transformation is urgently needed to address long-term goals around addressing hunger and malnutrition, as well as making food systems sustainable and resilient. The brief shows that many important changes to food systems can be implemented which are low cost, or even cost-neutral.

5- Progress On Children's Well-Being:
Centring child rights in the 2030 Agenda

At the midpoint of the SDG vision for a more equitable world for all, the report considers the following questions: how successful have we been in bettering the lives of our most cherished asset – our children? What achievements can we celebrate, and which obstacles remain? What lies on the path ahead to ensure a brighter future for every child? How do we make this a turning point in our commitment to upholding children’s rights?

4- What You Need to Know About Climate Change and Drought

Are climate change and drought connected? We asked Richard Damania, the World Bank’s Chief Economist for Sustainable Development, and two experts from the Bank’s Sustainable Development unit: Senior Economist Esha Zaveri and Senior Climate Change Specialist Nathan Engle.