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Overview   Migration and Demography

UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty released

The study was initiated by UN Resolution in 2014 in order to understand the dimension of the phenomena and to identify good practices that avoid detention for children. The JRC has helped to structure the received data and has coordinated the analytical work on migration related detention of children. The full report of the study will be published by end of 2019.

Lunchtime conference: Showcasing the Knowledge Centre for Migration and Demography, DEVCO InfoPoint, Brussels

This showcase will highlight how the Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography contributes to providing scientific evidence for EU policymaking on migration and demography related fields. In particular, it will show how policymakers can grasp the complexities of migration through an understanding of data spanning across a broad array of themes and issues, from demography to development.

Who will live and work in the EU in 2060?

Demographic trends offer a glimpse into the EU’s population and workforce in 2060. By looking at factors such as migration, education levels and labour force participation, the report moves beyond traditional demographic analysis to provide a set of scenarios which reveal how these factors can shape the EU’s future population and labour market.

Science for Europe, Science for me - Ispra

Come and join us for a series of short and engaging presentations on issues that matter to all of us, from climate change to fight against terrorism. JRC scientists will tell visual stories about the science that protects EU citizens.

New dataset shows 25% increase in global cross-border travel

In 2016 alone, about 2.9 billion international trips occurred worldwide - around 600 million more than five years earlier. With around 1.2 billion estimated country-to-country movements in 2016, the EU is the region with the highest mobility in the world. These estimates stem from the Global Mobilities Project's new Global Transnational Mobility Dataset.