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Overview   Migration and Demography

Youth in external action: bridging policies and data

Today’s global youth population is key to the planet’s economic, social, political and environmental future. A JRC report on youth in external action finds that more efforts are needed to bridge the gap between youth and their participation in policymaking. The report also highlights gaps in international youth data.

Second edition of the Atlas of Demography launched

The second edition of the Atlas of Demography contains data on mortality, fertility and migration, population projections, new thematic stories, and a more user-friendly look. The Atlas of Demography is a living tool created by the Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography (KCMD) to support the integration of demographic analysis into EU policymaking.

Atlas of Demography: Europe’s outermost regions

A thematic story of the Atlas of Demography looks at the demographics and unemployment levels of the EU’s outermost regions: French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Reunion Island and Saint-Martin (France), Azores and Madeira (Portugal), and the Canary Islands (Spain).

Labour market consequences of COVID-19 for migrant workers

A new JRC Technical Report looks at the labour market participation trends for natives, EU-born migrants and non-EU born migrants during the COVID-19 pandemic. The report confirms that the pandemic had an unequal impact on the employment rates among native and migrant workers.

Local conflict, population dynamics and climate anomalies in Sudan and South Sudan

This report explores the association between climate anomalies, population dynamics, conflict and organised violence in Sudan and South Sudan, at the sub-national level and for the years 1989-2015. The analyses indicate a positive correlation of temperature and precipitation anomalies with conflict and organised violence at the local level.

Support for governments during the COVID-19 pandemic

A report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) shows that when the COVID-19 pandemic erupted in 2020, the support for national governments initially rose in several European countries. Then, as the pandemic dragged on, people’s support for their governments started to decline. The decline was the sharpest among women, the self-employed and students.

A new report supports the EU’s efforts to provide opportunities for young people

A new report from the JRC supports the EU’s efforts to provide opportunities for young people around the world by presenting an overview of international data on youth, which can contribute to policymaking, monitoring and evaluation. The report shows that there is a growing body of international data on youth across a range of thematic areas.