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New benefits of knowledge

The op-ed observes that the ethical use of science has always benefited citizens, and it presents new benefits that citizens can nowadays derive from research on the effectiveness of public policies, thanks to the safe access to linked public registries. It gives account of experiences in this field in different European countries, it highlights the roles of the scientific community, and it argues that each country could experience positive effects via learning about the effectiveness of public policies in other European countries.

Environment at a Glance - OECD Indicators

Environment at a Glance is the OECD platform for environmental indicators. It gives access to the most recent data through interactive graphics and provides key messages on major environmental issues. The indicators shown provide a tool to track environmental performance and progress towards sustainable development.

New dataset shows 25% increase in global cross-border travel

In 2016 alone, about 2.9 billion international trips occurred worldwide - around 600 million more than five years earlier. With around 1.2 billion estimated country-to-country movements in 2016, the EU is the region with the highest mobility in the world. These estimates stem from the Global Mobilities Project's new Global Transnational Mobility Dataset.

Policy options for the agricultural sector in Senegal

A recently published JRC report provides a quantitative assessment of policy options for the agricultural sector in the second phase of the Emerging Senegal Plan (ESP) and corresponding Priority Action Plan (PAP), which covers the period 2019-2023.

How can EU policy benefit from new microdata?

The JRC organises a roundtable on how can EU policies benefit from new microdata and a presentation of the book Data-Driven Policy Impact Evaluation: How Access to Microdata is Transforming Policy Design.