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Join the Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies during the European Week of Regions and Cities!

Join the Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies (KCTP) at the European Week of Regions and Cities 2018, the key annual event on EU Regional Policy.

This year, the KCTP (co-)organises 5 different sessions, and it will have a permanent exhibition stand to visit throughout the event. The KCTP will also provide several presentations in the EWRC urban corner. Please go to the general website of the EWRC to register for our sessions:

* Tue 9 Oct 09.30 - 11.00 hrs: The Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies

* Tue 9 Oct 16.30 - 18.00 hrs: Territorial Trends and Challenges in Regional Policy

* Wed 10 Oct 16.30 - 18.00 hrs: The Urban dimension of Global Agendas in the EU

* Thu 11 Oct 09.30 - 11.00 hrs: Put it on the map! Monitoring tools for EU supported integrated urban and territorial strategies

* Thu 11 Oct 16.30 - 18.00 hrs: Joining forces! Science-policy integration for urban development in post 2020

Launch of the Community of Practice on Cities in Brussels

On October 5 the Community of Practice on Cities will be officially launched in Brussels!

Acknowledging the increasing centrality of the urban dimension, the Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies now fosters a Community of Practice on Cities (CoP-CITIES) that will address specific challenges and features of cities and urban systems, while promoting the adoption of a territorial point of view.

The mission of the COP-CITIES is to tap the potential of an extended pool of expertise to improve information sharing and enhance collaboration among stakeholders, including EU citizens.

At the kick-off event the CoP-CITIES will be officially launched, other EC services will be invited to join, and its next steps and future developments will be discussed.

Discover the activities of the Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies in a dedicated session next 26th September in Seville

The KC TP organises a dedicated session preceding the 2018 SMARTER Conference on the morning of the 26th of September in Seville, Spain. The KC TP is set up to strengthen the Commission’s overall support to territorial development and aims to be the point of reference for Commission services and Member States on territorial and regional related issues. In this capacity, it not only provides a repository of relevant research and new initiatives, but it also serves as a place for analytical and networking activities. The main objective of this associated event is to get participants (better) acquainted with the KC TP. The dedicated session should provide participants with a fundamental understanding of what the KC TP is and what it does. Next to a general understanding, the specific services that are now part of the KC TP will be elaborated upon so that afterwards participants will be able to use or refer to them in (at least)a rudimentary way.

Evidence and policy summer school – science, policy and demography

Evidence-informed policymaking needs advocates and skilled practitioners. The summer school aims to help researchers to have more impact and policymakers to use evidence for policy solutions. The workshop will focus on the tools and approaches to inform the policymaking process through evidence. Deadline for application: 17 May 2018.

Evidence and policy summer school – science, policy and demography

In a world flooded with information making sense of and communicating knowledge, or evidence, is highly challenging. Evidence-informed policymaking needs advocates and skilled practitioners. The summer school aims to help researchers to have more impact and policymakers to use evidence for policy solutions.