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Improving continental free trade patterns in Africa: the role of private sector development

The Upgrading and Restructuring Industrial Programme (PRMN) and the Quality Infrastructure Programme in Central Africa (PIQAC) are funded by EU and implemented with the technical support of UNIDO. The infopoint will discuss the main achievements of the two programmes, lessons learned and how public and private authorities of Central Africa should collaborate with international community to scale up the achieved results and support the African Continental Freed Trade Area (AfCFTA)

One Acre Fund

One Acre Fund distributes crucial farm inputs, like seed and fertilizer, on credit to smallholder farmers across rural East and Southern Africa with more than 800,000 clients today and plans to serve at least 1.2 million by 2020.

Conservation agriculture technologies: A framed field experiment in Ghana

Under the GASIP project funded by IFAD, a framed field experiment has been conducted in northern Ghana in a close collaboration with MOFA. The idea is to see if giving farmers some incentives (e.g. implements, inputs, or potentially cash) would catalyze higher rates of adoption of conservation agriculture or climate smart agriculture techniques.

Workshop on the impact of artificial intelligence in healthcare

This workshop aims at advancing the scientific understanding of machine learning (ML) related to healthcare and at studying the impact of ML algorithms on humans, focusing on clinical decision-making. The workshop intends to be a forum to discuss the main problems to tackle when creating algorithms to analyze clinical data and also implementation challenges, such as which interaction paradigms we should use, or the competences medical doctors should have.

Sociobiodiversity Products Value Chains

Brazilian indigenous people and traditional communities have special hereditary agricultural systems, which harmonically include forestry, rivers and agriculture with a broad knowledge of different ecosystems. The project in partnership with the European Union shows that the structuring of sociobiodiversity value chains is a central element to promote the communities' way of life, their territories and knowledge with the challenge do add “socioenvironmental services” value to promote sustainability.

First European AI Alliance Assembly

Marking one year since the creation of the European AI Alliance, the Assembly will bring together stakeholders, including citizens and policymakers during a full day event. The aim is to discuss the latest achievements in AI policy as well as future perspectives of the European Strategy on Artificial Intelligence, including its impact on the economy and society. During the event, the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence, which is the AI Alliance’s steering group, will present two important milestones of its work: the Policy and Investment Recommendations on AI, addressed to the European Commission and Member States the Launch the piloting process of the AI Ethics Guidelines presented during the Digital Day 2019 Login or Register on AI Alliance for detailed information:

Blue Bioeconomy Forum - Brussels, Belgium

The Blue Bioeconomy Forum brings together a partnership of industry, public authorities, academia, and finance in order to strengthen Europe's competitive position in the emerging blue bioeconomy.

African Union - European Union Agriculture Ministerial Conference

The conference will take place in the FAO premises in Rome and it will be co-hosted by the Africa Union Commission and the European Commission. AU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Economy, Ms Josefa Sacko and the EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr Phil Hogan are all expected to attend.