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World Environment Day 2020: Healthy ecosystems are fundamental for preventing global diseases and ensuring food security

FAO highlights the vast potential of ecosystems and biodiversity in helping countries to build back better after COVID-19.

date:  05/06/2020

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5 June 2020, Rome - A better understanding of the role of ecosystems and biodiversity in addressing diseases and other threats to people's lives, health, and livelihoods will enable us to overcome the COVID-19 challenges and prevent the re-emergence of such devastating outbreaks in the future. This was the key take-away from the virtual celebration of World Environment Day 2020, organized by FAO today.

This year's theme "Time for Nature" highlights what needs to be done to transform our food and agricultural systems in order to restore our ecosystems and biodiversity, which are instrumental in the efforts to build back better after COVID-19. 

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