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Research and Innovation to decarbonise the Agriculture and Land-Use sector

Agriculture and land use are key to climate mitigation as they have the ability both to deliver substantial emission reductions and to offset emissions from other sectors through carbon sequestration. This policy brief from the EU DEEDS* project, of which CIRAD's Thierry Brunelle was co-author, outlines the priorities for EU research and innovation (R&I) to promote sustainable agriculture and land use in Europe. It draws on the outcomes of a workshop organized at CIRAD in November 2019, on the Montpellier Declaration of the 2019 World Congress on Agroforestry and on CIRAD's work on soil carbon sequestration.

date:  02/06/2020

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Impact that goes beyond Europe

Europe‘s position in world agricultural trade means that agriculture and land use R&I policy choices concern not only the European territory, but also its trading partners worldwide. The European Commission’s ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy for sustainable food is a key component of the European Green Deal, and DEEDS therefore considers that it is essential to facilitate a wider discussion on the priorities to be given to European environmental action and the ways of implementing them.

Agriculture and land use are responsible for just over 10% of overall European greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As such, the sector has received little attention in decarbonization strategies so far. It is, however, a key sector as it has the ability to both deliver substantial emission reductions and offset emissions from other sectors through carbon sequestration.

GHG emissions from European agriculture stem mainly from livestock and from synthetic fertilizer and manure use. Animal-based proteins make up a large share of agricultural produce consumption in Europe (60% of the total consumed), and are particularly intensive in their use of land and water. This generates environmental degradation both in and outside Europe, since about 80% of all proteins consumed in Europe are imported from non-EU countries. Moreover, food losses and waste in Europe amount to 280 kg/person/year, the second highest rate per capita in the world.

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