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Statement on Yemen by Principals of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee

COVID-19 is spreading rapidly across the country already experiencing the world’s largest humanitarian crisis, driven by an unabated conflict. But we are ready to stay and deliver life-saving assistance to those who need it.

date:  28/05/2020

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Against a backdrop of mounting humanitarian needs, especially for families displaced by the fighting, official COVID-19 case figures as of 27 May stand at 253 cases and 50 deaths. Further testing and analysis are required to provide a true picture of the epidemic and the case fatality rate in Yemen.

But as in many other countries, testing kits in Yemen are in short supply, and official reports are lagging far behind actual infections.

Official figures indicate that COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in 10 of the country’s 22 governorates, demonstrating widespread transmission. But testing and reporting remain limited and it is likely that most areas of the country are already impacted, if not all. People with severe symptoms, like high fevers and distressed breathing, have been turned away from health facilities that were either full or unable to provide safe treatment.

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