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Germany and WFP expand their multi-year partnership to empower resilient communities in Niger

The World Food Programme in Niger welcomes an additional €24 million contribution from Germany to scale-up resilience building at a time when Niger is facing the socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 health pandemic on food security and nutrition of vulnerable rural and urban families.

date:  28/05/2020

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Niger continues to face chronic vulnerabilities caused mainly by poverty, regional insecurity, demographic pressure, economic and climatic shocks, chronic food insecurity, and persistent gender inequalities. About 6.8 million people, representing one third of Niger’s population, are recurrently food insecure and struggle to nourish themselves and their families.

“Germany’s support is a demonstration of a long-term engagement to improve livelihoods and improve people’s food insecurity and nutrition in Niger, and to invest in equipping communities with the right set of means to be able to withstand shocks”, said Sory Ouane, WFP Country Director and Representative in Niger.

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